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New Product / T-Break

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by JaxLoud4427, Jul 27, 2017.

  1. I'm 18 and have been smoking for a solid 5-6 months straight. Over the past few weeks, I've been noticing myself developing a pretty significant tolerance to it. I have had a tolerance for a few months, but not like this. I can take a 1.2 blunt to the face and feel little to nothing practically. This to me said : tolerance break. I was headed on a trip and decided to take the week off to clear my system a bit. I've been working out every day, twice a day, sweating a lot, just doing what I can do. I have no withdrawal symptoms or anything but I was wondering: anyone just take a week off and see a pretty nice change? Also, I live in a state where the product is not recreationally legal and we do not have a medical dispensary, so our stuff is obviously not the highest quality out there which leads me into my next question: I recently came in to a few cartridges from Aspen, CO and it will be my first time smoking on something that is for sure a legitimate, recreationally legal product that is higher quality than what I get at home. So with these two things being said (t-break and new legal product), will I be in for a good time? How much different is the stuff in legal states compared to non-legal states?
  2. It all depends. Some of the best buds I had came before recreational marijuana was a thing. With that said I've had some amazing weed from a dispensary as well. How did your usual stuff look compared to the pictures on the forums?

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  3. Yeah taking a week off does lower your tolerance I had to stop smoking for a week when I went on holiday, I got ripped off 1 bowl when I got back
  4. Honestly some bud I get looks pretty good and rezinous, but nothing seems to compare to buds I see when I'm looking through pictures of what people are getting at dispensaries. There will be times where I'll pick up an 1/8 for $50 and I'll be told it's some "loud" and it'll look good, but won't have any smell to it or anything at all.
  5. Okay great that was my hope. Would you think oil will be getting me feeling nice and toasty after one week? I have 2 sativa cartridges and a couple hybrids from a dispensary.
  6. Another question I had that I was hoping someone could answer is how do I ultimately avoid having my tolerance go up like crazy again. Last time what did it was that when I started smoking, I smoked nothing but wax. No flower at all. So I'm hoping that if I limit myself to 2 times a week my tolerance will remain steady
  7. For 50$ an eighth I would expect top shelf. That's high even for great dispensary stuff. Sounds like you might be getting ripped off if it doesn't have much smell or anything. As for tolerance I like to switch between oil and bud. More importantly is the switch from sativa to indica dominate stains

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  8. Those cartridges usually come with the thc content written on the packaging. I don't suppose you got the cartridge in a package?
  9. Unfortunately when I got here my buddy threw away the packaging. The brands are O.Pen I believe

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