New Partner

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by jollyk, Sep 14, 2014.

  1. The general rule I stand by is TALK TO NO ONE and I AM MY OWN PARTNER.... I don't trust people, family or not, that is how shit goes wrong fast.

    If you do trust him, and you guys are close I still wouldn't do it, but if I did I would approach him by lighting up a joint, smoking it with him and then telling him I had some space he can use

    Sent from my Spaceship using the GrassCity App.
  2. I don't tell anyone what I am doing lol my mother in law walked into my grow room looking for bathroom she came out like nice plants then proceeded to tell me about my cousin who has a huge set up he don't use I would live to use my extra guest house as a green room not just for mj but other plants as well. I was taught loose lips sink ships also it's making a dream reality instead of waiting the 2-3 years I would be slowly investing into this system

    something is better than nothing
  3. Family grows can be legit. Dont know your family dynamic, but I team up with my family.
  4. I think you said it best, it's you're family, you should know how to approach him. 

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