New Ohio Ballot Initiative!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by OhioCannaMan, May 15, 2011.

  1. Man you need to chile out a little. Why would you start giving out bad press before anything has really moved forward. If your so worried about this, have the leaders of OMCA2012 turns theres in. Sounds to me like you have problems with someone in the OCMC group and are taking it out on everyone in Ohio. Just let it rest till both groups get it past the A G and then figure out what to do. The good news is we are moving forward. I run my mouth in earlier post not because of anyone on one group. But to maybe motavate them thru agravation. So please for the good of Ohio just relax and enjoy the moment. It's all good :)
  2. Ohiocannaman is obviously a member of our opposition by repeating false allegations about the photography.

    Watch out for this guy.
  3. #23 Tonya Davis, Jul 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2011
    Hey everyone! calm down :) It is all good.... I for one am happy that progress is being made.. FYI We even gathered signatures for the OMCA 2012 at comfest as well as the OATA.
    OATA had to scrap their signatures because they made some minor changes to the wording so we gathered new ones for them. I am assuming OMCA2012 will have to do the same since they are making a few changes to their wording. I support any efforts being made to bring medical marijuana to our fine state. Also in closing...
    I dont care who does a background check on me... I dont have a criminal record nor have I ever tried crack meth or anything dangerous like that. Everyone have a great day.

    PS The The Ohio Alternative Treatment Act is OATA and its PAC is OCMC I was referring to
  4. #24 christinerausch, Jul 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2011
    Maybe if the parties would combine efforts, ei. Have at least one member for every county for Ohio. Let them set up their own group for that county. At least once a month that leader got each county get together. Get these people to also join political party in there county, so they that way theres a political insight. That way the bill an be worded to appeal to polititions. There also could be an electronic potition for citizens to sign electronically. Then more signatures could be collected. And if you really want to make an impact, get hundreds of people together in one place. For example, outside the Ohio supreme court in downtown columbus, and smoke as a protest. Rosa parks did that to protest. Now anyone sits wherever they want on a bus.

  5. one, rallies and "neat stuff" is more for the general public. thats not going to get goverornments attention. since there has been so many "rallies and neat stuff", i dout it would get any political attention. As stated in comment before, most poloticions go for the popualr issues, the more signatures one has, is better appealling to all polotitions, bettering the chance it will pass. on top of that, there also was a statment about if the bill did not pass, then you have to start over with another patition. therefore stating that an electronic patition could get more signatures, then pysically sighing a paper at a"rally or neat stuff" ...
  6. Well jump right in there and take the lead. Good luck catching up because you done missed the bus. Support what the others have started and everything will work out.
  7. I really hope it does pass soon. All my connects are running dry... damn DEA. Would be nice to be able to go to a safe clinic for what i need to cure my cronic headaches.
  8. bump back to the front page :)

  9. OhioCannaMann/CannaPuppy. This should have never been made public knowledge. Especially by someone that is pro-medical cannabis! Why on earth would you want to give the Anti-Cannabis camp any help? Do you want this measure to fail and not be passed by the state of OHIO? No personal medical information should ever be made public. And that is what it is... MEDICAL INFORMATION! HOW would you like it if people brought out that you have medical conditions that could harm them personally. It could damage their housing, job, and many other areas of their life, and it would be all your fault. So do you feel like a big man putting personal information out there? Please remember Karma...

    To everyone else... There have been some that have been saying that KC is cannapuppy & OhioCannaMan... This could not be fruther from the truth. OhioCannaMann came out supporting OMCA in MAY on this thread. That is way to early for KC to have done that. Information that has been posted by OhioCannaMann / Cannapuppy has contained information that KC & I did not have knowledge until well after the postings were posted. So it could not have been him or I. KC and I are not part of OMCA, Nor have we ever been. WE are just attempting to educate the people of Ohio on the need for medical cannabis, and facts about medical cannabis in general, and lend hands were we can. We have helped gather signatures, but that is as far as it has gone. We do prefer one set of language over the other, but in the end it is what ever the OAG says is going to be on the bill that we all have to support. Making claims against people on a personal level is not the way to go about things. It is to easy in this day and age to look up the record of anyone, & I don't feel that it is appropriate to go posting anything that has any thing connected to a medical condition posted on line.

    PLEASE OHIOCANNAMAN/CANNAPUPPY, Please remove information that could be used against a ballot initiative! No I am not either of the people referenced I am not associated with either ballot language, nor is KC!

    I urg you to take down all references posted on every page that you have posted this STUFF to! This kind of behavior of outing someone's medical condition is totally inappropriate! Please do this for the sake of the medical patients of OHIO!
  10. I'v seen some of KC's post. He's one that needs to keep his opinion to himself. Putting people down thats worked hard to get things going in Ohio is not a good way to be. Most of the time he just babel's on like a uneducated dumbass!!!
  11. That is your opinion, and you are entitled to your opinion, but there are people, all the time that thank him for having the courage to stand up and say the things that he has. He has never mentioned any names, nor has he ever outed anyone's medical condition. In my opinion the stuff he put out is minor in comparison to what OhioCannaMan has stated in this thread. He has not mentioned any names, he just mentioned positions. That could be a number of people in Ohio, and some individuals have come out and admitted it was them that he was referring to, even though it was not necessarily them he was referring to. I feel that is a good thing. Getting people to admit their own short comings. KC only wishes to build a better organization, one that all members can be proud of again, thus growing the membership of that organization. There are so many people I have talked to that will not join in that organization because of all the stuff going on internally, and if when KC was speaking up gets them to address issues that are challenges, then the membership will climb. :hello:

    I respect your opinion, and your right to voice it. However no one should ever put out anyone's medical condition. I do not know that person on a personal level, but I still believe, that no matter who it is that it should have never been put out there! Medical information is private! It could cause all of the petitioners challenges, as well as spread the miss conception that cannabis could be a gateway drug, and that all cannabis users will eventually be using other drugs. We need to stay focused that some of the most dangerous drugs put out there are made by Big Pharma. That those medications can kill you and do kill many more people a year then cannabis.

    I urge everyone to put aside differences and come together as one for the betterment of the movement! I urge initiatives to join forces for the best interest of the patients of Ohio. I would like each and everyone that now is the time to educate the people of Ohio about the need for medical cannabis, and once the ballot language has been approved by the OAG then start education of what is on the ballot language. I feel any and all questions about ballot language should be open and out in the public so that discussion can take place, so that activist can become educated about each ballot, and so that the writers of the language can think about if the language should be changed for the betterment of the language, and in the best interest of the patients of Ohio.

    Everyone that is pro-cannabis is part of a family. Not everyone in a family gets along, but they come together at family events and all at least pretend to get a long... So until we get medical cannabis in Ohio passes, EVERY member of the pro-cannabis family should at least pretend to get along, put their differences aside, and act in the best interest of the patients of Ohio! Leave anything that needs to be taken care of in individual organizations to that organization to be addressed by the heads of each organization. The group I work with has agreed to do so, and I urge everyone that can now do the same to come out and join with us for the education of Ohio about medical cannabis, and once the OAG chooses the ballot language, then we start education on the ballot language. I urge everyone to read and reread each set of language so that you can answer questions about it if someone should ask. We need to be ready to roll just as soon as the OAG approves what ever language. We will not have time at that point to start learning the language. Never answer a question unless you are 100% sure of an answer. Never make up an answer. If you have questions. Please ask who ever wrote the language. I always encourage questions in public, as others may have the same question, and it would save the person answering questions time and effort to answer them once. Also some people have questions, but they will not take the time to ask them, so if they are asked in public, those individuals get the answers also.

    These are my opinions, I hope you respect my right to voice them, just as I did yours.
  12. Heres some of his writing on his facebook page:

    Peep game fam! "It was signed by committee member Geoff Korff of Salem and included four additional committee members on the petition including Alan Pugh of Elyria, Rob Ryan of Blue Ash, Tonya Davis of Kettering and Cher Neufer of Lodi." This is the group-NORML that will cause us 2 lose any chance of legalizing anything. They have lied about even being envolved with this bill 4 over 7 months now!

    He is a dumass in everything he does. If you support his thoughts, then your a dumbass too. This is all backed by Theresa Daniello and her group to power there way in and kill any chance that Ohio has. When they say they have big power and money behind them, the do, it's comes from UCANX. Just google it and see if you want it in Ohio. You would have to be a rich and sick to afford what they are doing. Just look for $800.00 an oz after they put on all there fees and taxes.
  13. Thank you so much for calling me a dumbass. I am just so proud that you would use such language. As I have never said anything bad about you. I don't even know who you are as I have never seen your name anywhere before. If you have some real proof besides me backing someone up that I am a dumbass please put it out there. I don't mind if anyone puts anything out there about me. Just as long as it is true and you have the documentation to back it up. Personal opinions is not documentation. I have no business knowing what your personal opinion of me is, nor do I care to know your personal opinion of me. So please keep it to yourself. Would you like to let me know who you are so that I can address you as someone other then and anonymous name. So if I know you from some other forum or FB, I can know who I am talking to/with. I don't mind that you use a different name, but I use the same name all over the internet so people know that I am the same person. And people that I meet on the internet that I begin to work with know my real name.

    You seem to be attacking both sides of the ballot initiatives. Do you even want medical cannabis legalized in OHIO? As it appears that you do not. Just a honest question.

    No one in their right mind would pay 800 an oz for cannabis. They would learn to grow them self before they did that. If they could not grow they would get a care provider who could and have a contract that wrote out the price before they entered into any agreement with them. Once people will not pay that price they will lower it or go out of business. The market will regulate the price. That price is so much higher then any other state that it is legal in, and so much higher then the markets around here now. What evidence, without naming names, do you have to back what you are saying up? Do you have anything, or just your personal opinion? Just wondering.

    If you have more information, I am willing to listen, just as long as you have something more then your personal opinion. I respect your opinion, and your right to speak it. I don't have to agree with it.
  14. You have to call it as it's laid on the tabel. You jump right in and back him up on everything he says on his facebook page. So if the shoe fits!!! Theresa has bragged to everyone she comes to on how shes going to change the world with this super bill they are writing up. If you researced UNANX, you can see what they have in store for everyone if they get in. Having money to back your cause is one thing. But to bring money in that is going to cost the people more then the can afford is just being selfish. Not everyone will be able to grow there own and will be at the hands of a big company to buy from. As I have said before, I run my mouth to maybe motavate thru agravation. There was no harm in that. Now that we have hope and are moving forward, I will support OCMC's wording all the way. But to have people trashtalk and backstab people you call your friends wont get it just to gain nothing. You might take a good look at who your running with because they reflect on you.
  15. First let me say, that I do not always back everything that KC says. I don't always agree with everything all my friends say. I argue with them, I debate them, just as everyone does. There have also been statements from people I do not like at all that I have backed up, as the statement was correct. I guess you missed those.

    I do not like getting stabbed in the back any more then the next person. I do not stab people in the back. I am a somewhat honest person. I am not going to say totally honest person, as no one is. There are white lies we tell each other all the time, like when I ask hubby if these pants make by back side look big, he tells me no. I know that is a little white lie to protect me. I don't think I have ever stabbed anyone in the back. I stab in the front! IF someone makes me mad I break off contact with that person because the stress is not worth the on going contact. I always watch out what I do, I look out for my reputation also. It is just what I think is not necessarly what other think and that is fine. Not everyone in this world is going to like me and that is fine. I am not in this for a popularity contect. Far from it. I know I am going to make a whole lot of enemeys in this fight to get medical cannabis legalized. I accept that. I have already lost so many friends because of it. What I say, is if I lose friends because of this, then they were really not friends to begin with. All I came on here to do basically was to see if I could get someone to remove personal confidential information that could hurt everyone on the OCMC bill. I don't even like that bill, but that does not matter.

    I don't feel that it is right to release that info. It could hurt everyone of the petitioners. I hope it does not, however it could. THAT is the main reason I came on here. After that, as a second thought. I just thought I would make the statement about KC, as he would never put medical info out there. AND even it he did, like you said in your previous post, I always agree with him, so why would I come out and ask that it be taken down? Again, I am not connected to either ballot language. I would have helped OCMC gather signatures if I had been able to. But I was too ill and had other commitments. KC did however go to COMFEST in Columbus and helped get people over to both booths to sign the petitions. SO if KC is such a bad guy, why on earth would he have done that?

    No one can really no someone from facebook. You can not really judge their charcter, you have to know people for a while, get to know them, their other friends, familes before you can really know them. You can only see a very small part of someone. There are so many different pages of FB that people go to. They can be totally different on each of them. I have seen it before. I am totally different on certain FB pages. The reason for the page has a lot to do with how one acts on the pages. Just like you act different when you go different places. You are at home, you let it all hang out and be yourself. IF you go to church, you might be all prim and proper. You really want to get to know someone, go on a very long boring road trip with them. Some people are so passionate about a subject that sometimes people mistake it for anger and hatred & anger, in those cases it is very sad that those people are miss understood by so many. So before you judge someone, I suggest you get to know them first before you make your decision. You could be missing out on someone special. I am not just talking about KC, I am talking about everyone! Most of the time people make up their decision about people in the first 7 seconds that they know them, the first seven steps they take, the first 7 words out of someone's mouth. I urge people not to do that as you will miss out on some truly amazing people.
  16. I guess all there is left to say is time will tell.
  17. Well it looks like there is a small setback. Only one quarter of the signatures was legitimate. Hope it's not a sign of things to come.
  18. Heres why from: Welkom bij Facebook - Meld je aan, registreer je of ontdek meer

    For those who wished to know what happened-

    OK. So, here is the reasoning for 12 petitions containing roughly 1,000 signatures being thrown out-

    When reviewing the signatures and signing the disclosure on the back of the page, some petitioners took note of signature lines that were not filled in properly and did not count those signatures. For example, a petitioner notices that one of the 50 signatures he collected was not properly filled out, and thus he marks 49 signatures to account for the mistake. Well.....

    The AG says there are 50 signatures, and the petitioner only states that he witnessed 49. So, the AG claims he does not know which one of the 50 signatures were not witnessed, so he throws out all 50. This cost us the 1000 sigs. Crazy, huh?
  19. New petitions are back out. Ohio CMC Help collect the first 1000 to turn into the Attorny General.
  20. nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuub. (I have read nothing of what you have posted.)

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