Okay blades. I'm new to the whole commentary scene and have a couple videos up on my YouTube channel. I'm not getting any views at all and I thought maybe you guys could give me some advice on how to make my channel bigger. I'm making a minecraft series right now, so check it out and subscribe to keep up with it. My channel name is HolicFTW.
You're not going to get any kind of attention when there are already thousands of MC commentators. My only advice would be to get hooked up with Machinima otherwise its a futile effort. Maybe commentate on a different game? I don't mean to sound dick-ish or anything, but the fact of the matter is that Minecraft videos are waaaaaaay overdone and if you're looking to get big on YT purely through commentaries then you're in for a tough ride.
I also want to do software how to's as well as pretty much anything computer related. What are things you would suggest doing?
Software how to's are a much better idea! In fact if you're confident in your ability to resolve computer conflicts maybe that might be the key to your YT success?
[quote name='"LeroyDankins"']Software how to's are a much better idea! In fact if you're confident in your ability to resolve computer conflicts maybe that might be the key to your YT success?[/quote] That or wait for a new game to come out and try to be one of the people that get big for that game.
I'm in my last year of my Computer Science major so I'm thinking a software how to's and computer tutorials from simple things to replacing parts and even cleaning out viruses and such could be a good channel. I'm part of the Adsense program and I'm gna try and use it to make 200 bucks a month so I can pay for my gaming and such with it.