New Jersey!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by HobokenDood, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. Hi All,

    Just joined, hope to make some new "bud-dies" on here, hehe. As you can probably tell from my handle...I live in Hoboken. Don't smoke as much as I would like to, but hoping to change that this summer!

  2. Welcome fellow New Jerseyian.

    What kind of buds do you pick up in the Hoboken?
  3. Thanks! None as of yet...just moved here from Trenton a couple of months ago. Don't know anybody in the area. That's why I'm on the internet, lol.

    I live a couple blocks over from the projects on the west side...thinking that may be a place to start.. Probably wouldn't give me the time of day, I look and probably sound like a total narc. I miss Trenton, sigh.
  4. Just moved to Bergen County... I'm in the same boat. Find any success on here?

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