New Hook Up

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by nate256, Nov 22, 2010.

  1. So when I started working at the job I have now like 1.5 years ago, I met this dude named Ryan. We became pretty good buddies and always chill and smoke or chill on break and smoke. He is a real cool dude!

    So he mets this new dude, who sells some dank bud, so I went over today after work to sample what he has, so he loads his bong and I take 2 fat rips, and am BLAAZZZEEEDDD. I'm not use to such dank bud so I was like :O. He is mad chill too, reminds me, of me hahah then we got chinese and played God of War.

    So I got a new Dank connect, and I'm happy!

    How did you met your dealer?!?!
  2. just met them at high school and we went from there....
  3. as long as he dont ask to u stay round or meet his mum sounds like your in luck. My friends crops r coming in three weeks , 7 different types of bud and a very merry christmas.I meet people thru friends. Always have.It makes sense. exodus 4 live :D
  4. I don't really have a set-in-stone dealer, I buy from multiple people. I know a lot of people who always have bud on them, so I like to rotate it up and buy from different people.
  5. I was out of bud one day, and as most of you know so many ppl smoke that work in restaurants, so it's not too hard to find some. So I ask around, and meet up with this dude I worked with who took me to a dealers place. I instantly dropped my old connect, and have been with guy for about a year. ;-)
  6. Yeh work is the place to get new hook ups, I met one of my other connects at work, he is 35 and is reliable as fuck!!!

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