Tough new cannabis laws for WA Will this also stop shipping for bongs and such? If they are un-used for marijuana they still should be allowed through customs and such? Laws came in just yesterday.
Up to two years for over ten grams? Thats crazy. Mississipi has three years for over thirty grams and I think that is horrible. Mississipi's laws were to the point me and some buddies drove around the state and through Arkansas on the way to Loiusiana.
Thts harsh i the uk i know a man with pervious convictions for abh n shit he got caught with a 33 plant grow yeilding a large amount of pukka and he got a few hundud hours comunity service
Australia and NZ are like the US and Canada Australia/USA = harsh unreasonable laws and lots of ignorance Canada/ NZ = illegal but pretty relaxed Australia has an epic economy, it's a shame they're hysterical about MJ or I'd move there in a heart beat.
I damn near had a heart attack before I read the article. I live in the state WA (washington). I didn't realize it was also for Western Australia.
[quote name='"Window Frame"']Up to two years for over ten grams? Thats crazy. Mississipi has three years for over thirty grams and I think that is horrible. Mississipi's laws were to the point me and some buddies drove around the state and through Arkansas on the way to Loiusiana.[/quote] Also I believe in Mississippi over 25 grams is a felony. Didn't know if it was similar in other places.
Not surprising really. Typical of the government to ignore the harder drugs and go after the easy pot smoking users.
Wouldn't surprise me tbh. John Key is a sheep and listens to Peter Dunne who says kronic (legal weed) is bad even tho the tests done proved otherwise, then like 1 year down the line says party pills are going to be illegal unless proven safe. so that means by that logic weed and other unmentionables should be legal right, and alcohol illegal?...smh
I got to admit kronic fucked some people up though. They've done the party pills shit before which only makes them more dangerous cause the dudes making it just chuck new untested shit in it to make it legal again. I really hope they don't harshen up our laws on weed though, There pretty much as good as they'll ever be at the moment.
yea kronic fucked up inexperienced people who smoked too much but did it kill them? lol hell no... and yea i agree about the party pills it'll just make people go to the illegal alternatives. But hey they know what's best tho, right? lol gotta just hope for the best aye
I honestly fear how politicians will never stop making laws .... Obama is passing the law where ameriicans can be detained as terrorist
Government cant control hard drugs, so they target pot smokers... Why does weed always take the fall for other drugs ? Everytime that there is an anti drug commercial, the weed leaf is smacked up on the screen..
you're not the only one. i was concerned more for the fact it could become 1 of 3 states to become legal which I'm hoping will start to get the ball rolling on looser laws in the states