New grpw -->HOUSE<--

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by GorillaFarmer, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. So I have been cruising for a cheap piece of real estate for a grow for a couple of months now. I figured I would get raw land and just do a couple outty plants, atleast enough to make hte land pay for itself.

    So I was on craiglist today and saw an add that read:

    House that has been gutted and used as a workshop and storage. Will need a well and septic to live there. Needs alot of work to be livable . It is on a half acre of land and has power.
    It has been appraised @ $34,000.

    Basically from the pictures it looks like a gutted two story house on a concrete slab. 20 feet of head space and probably 30x 40. It also has a metal structure attached to the side of it. Kind of like a giant metal green house. Could definitely be a veg room. Offer is 10,000 in two cash payment right now.

    I guess we will see if I step my game up.
  2. Nice investment man! Sounds like a fun project. Can't wait to hear more.:hello:
  3. check out the neighbor hood or everything around it, that could be the bigest downfall to it, deff check it out in person befor you pay 20 g's Id say you want to tell them you want to do welding like a fab shop, so you have a legit reason for buying it
  4. #4 GorillaFarmer, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2009

    Its only 12,000 bucks. Secondly its a gutted house that was used for a wood workshop. It is completely wired for 220v ballasts basically. Its in a town of 1400 people and its 4 miles off any major road. Id say im pretty covered. But yeah, told them I will be putting a glass blowing shop in there.
  5. Yeah if you get this off the ground deff let us know.
  6. All comes down to the property owner at this point. I have made my offer and in todays economy people arnt really buying up stuff. So my chances are high. I bet ill be in there by the 1st of July. Expect a 6000w 99 plant medical grow coming out of there.
  7. seriously best of fucking luck man.

    thats my dream right there. i want a house just for growing.

    not that i want a huge setup, i just don't want to worry about electric bills. i'd ask what the avg bill was in the area, and stick real close to it.

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