Posted this in a thread of all my stuff, went back today and picked up the inline ash catcher today. It was local blown which is cool and the blower is cool very interesting to hear him talk about his work. So the RooR is a custom lean back w/ perc & ice catcher. 21" 5mm glass. After breaking her in last night it was definately worth it. This is my new baby. Haven't hit it with the ash catcher yet so I'll post some pics tonight of her with ice and ready to go tonight if anyone is interested.
sweet setup. You might find there is abit to much drag with that inline an percs. a charcoal filter might work better. But maybe not. For sure a sick inline a/c
Sorry for the double post edit button wont work from my work pc for some reason. Anyone have recommendations for a good 18.8 slide? Looking for something custom worked that will look nice. Can be a full bowl or a snap bowl I have a few of each already just looking for something that will go nicely with this piece.
That's a sick roor. I wouldn't of gotten an inline personally just because you have the percs already. But it's a sick piece overall. How much did the custom roor cost you? If you don't mind me asking
My local shop got it direct from RooR, apparently there were several custom made from what they told me, it was the first they have seen RooR sent it out to em sometime in September. Here is some info on them. The shop also stocks all high quality glass and local blown glass. They had around 10 RooR's all with legit signatures. It also came with the RooR bowl and down stem. ROOR Double Chamber, Triple Chamber and Dale Sommers Custom - Kulture Blog - Kulture - Water Pipes Glass Pipes Vaporizers Richmond - Charlottesville - Chesterfield Va Virginia I'll post a video later tonight though it will be me doing a 1 man show with a cell phone camera As far as the ac the drag isn't horrible, its actually not to bad.
Here's some milk I'll post a video later maybe if I can figure out how to do that. (She got broken in pretty hard last night)
Well I can't get the video recorder to work so will have to wait for a video until I can get a friend over here.
Here's a video finally had a friend come show me how to get this going. [ame=""]YouTube - 1412r2492.m4v[/ame]
Oh shit man nice rip, that things clears with the quickness. Does that roor have the lean back design on the percs?
Thanks man yeah I think there would have been issues with the ac if it had been a 14mm perhaps but it is smooth being an 18. Yeah it's a lean back the percs are positioned in one hemisphere so all the tree arms perc when your leaning back on your kick out couch. I love it, was well worth the wait to save up for this set up
Thanks man, my next task is to get a couple keck clips and a new worked slide for this bad boy. I've got a couple other videos I have to edit then post... Man I got ripped trying to figure out how to work the video... about 8 out takes lmao