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New Christmas Idea...Porn for Tots?

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by pearl75, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. Boy gets Nintendo full of porn for Christmas - - MSN Money

    The father of this 5 year old little boy thought he'd save himself a few bucks and buy his kid a "new" refurbished Nintendo 3DS. He didn't expect Game Stop to accidently leave old files on the game, and his little one ended up getting porn for Christmas. Can you all imagine?! :laughing:

    What kills me is that this article tries to make it seem like seeing people having sex will scar a child for life. I find that quite laughable when you consider the tremendously graphic violence involved with the games sold for these devices. :rolleyes:
  2. Yea its weird our society says sexuality is bad but violence is ok
  3. lol i wonder how old the previous user was lol
  4. I haven't ever known a kid to be "scarred for life" from looking at porn from any age....admit it you've all wanted to see tits since you knew what they fuckin kindergarten. That kid probably thought it was the best present in the world.
  5. 5 years old and he has a 3ds?

    the fuck?
  6. Damn, I thought this was a new Sanda Cause thread....
  7. Me too brother.... Me too.
  8. Yeah I was thinkin "wtf Sanda, Wtf"
  9. I know, isn't that ass backwards? My youngest daughter is a huge horror film fan, and I have a friend who says she won't let her kids watch those films because of the sex and nudity that is often seen in those movies. I was like whathufuq? :confused::rolleyes:
    That was one of the first questions that came to my! I wonder how many parents even think to check their kids' handheld games for things like that?
    Ahaha! No, no Sanda Clause, but maybe he'll find this thread and weigh in with his thoughts. ;)
  10. [quote name='"jmick"']Damn, I thought this was a new Sanda Cause thread....[/quote]

    I think that cat may be dead or in jail man lol but seriously, where the fuckd he go?

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