NEW and from ENGLAND

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by thebloatedtoad, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. Yeah... anyone else from England?

    And i had this question... **Embarrasing** how do I actually get 'into' smoking pot?
    ...Cos I've never actually done it before
  2. welcome :)

    ..and i dont understand the question
  3. Well I mean how do I find dealers?
    What would be a good amount to buy?
    And should I smoke with someone else the first time?
  4. #4 MyndTrix420, Nov 18, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2008
    Dealers are usually in public areas such as malls, schools, clubs, or just on really ghetto streets. After you find one just get their number. They usually seem friendly and nice but that's probably because they're trying to sell you bud. Some of them are genuinely nice though.

    A good amount to buy is a dime or a 20. A dime is $10 and weighs 1 gram. A 20 is $20 and weighs 2 grams. You'll probably just get high off of nickel (0.5 grams) since it's your first time but go ahead and buy a gram or 2 so you can save it later.

    Smoking weed with someone else always makes it a good time. Do it with a friend that already smokes or a group of people. Smoking alone is good to but there's no one to talk to.

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