Never think it will happen to you

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Thrillfill, Nov 9, 2007.

  1. Well, Today seemed like a beat day.. Not much bud left and i dont have shit to do..

    My friend calls me up ask's me if i want to go to a headshop like a half hour drive from our houses. (This friend is F) So i call my friend T and tell them whats up, We pick him up and start the trek down there.

    Right as my friend picks me up, my friend greg calls me to hang out. He just got out of a 30 day rehad. we picked greg up and head off to the head shop, Things are looking up!

    My friend ends up buying a new bowl and we leave, We call up this kid to hook us up with a few bags. We head back home and pick up the budz.. Some really nice looking stuff

    We walk around this develpment where the dealer lived. We find a new spot surrounded by trees and a walkway that we thought nothing of. We starting smoking out of my friends new bowl its hitting like a champ we are having a good time, We pack about half the bag into 3 bowls as we are smoking our 4th bowl i see my friend F run off into the woods. He had 2 proirs and he wasn't smoking. He can't smoke because of his past 2 arrests. So i am like WTF? everyone stops and im like oh man im high, But if one person runs everyone does. Right as we start to get up a cop starts shouting at us, Telling us not to run and that bullshit.

    We don't, This guy was in good shape,i looked at the chance of me being able to out run him, Or even one of my two other in good shape friends.. (Im not in such great shape myself :laughing:) So we stop, My friend has the bowl behind is back in his hand. And its pretty apprent that we are fucked. My friends and i just accepted that.

    Well he ask's us who are friend is that ran off, We didn't tell him but it was his car so they found out who it was.. They took us one by one and searched us. I was first, This cop was not joking around.

    Well he searched us, our friend came back. They called in 2 my cops to take us at to the station. They took us there and took all are info.

    Im sitting here, Very high and i dont think i can smoke untill after probo..

    Smoke one for me GC! :smoke:
  2. That sucks. Be more discrete next time.
  3. I never smoke anywhere where people might come by. House, backyard, or woods are probably my only places. Except of course at concerts...Smoking surrounded by strangers is really fun.
  4. I don't know what your circumstances are exactly, but when I was caught with simple possession at age 19, I only got a fine and community service. No probation or drug tests. I never actually even stopped smoking. Maybe you should talk to a lawyer. On and don't smoke in public. That's how I got caught too.
  5. its different in every state. NY is one of the more lenient states when it comes to MJ. some states its manditory probation, others its a misdimenor. but in new york for anyone 18+ your first 3 times being caught with under an oz is a fine and a civil citation.

    other states are different.
  6. Yeah i am going to look into a lawyer tomorrow, Not getting probation would be sweeett..

    Also, They never read me my right, Isn't that somthing that they need to do?
  7. For your dealer's sake, I wouldn't smoke around his place of residence/dealing.

    Good luck with the charges, hopefully you'll somehow get out of them.
  8. Yeah i wouldn't normaly do that, Our dealer happeneds to be one of our really good friends but he was chillin with his girl which is why he didn't smoke with us.
  9. They only need to read you your rights if you are under arrest. If you are just taken into custody to fill out paperwork and whatnot then no they don't have to.

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