Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by LoueyGG, Nov 20, 2013.

  1. #1 LoueyGG, Nov 20, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2013
    never ever fucking tell your fucking parents you smoke weed to gain there trust! never do this shit and whoever made up this fucking concept is fucking retarded!
    i tried telling my parents and know my bitch fucking father says the most stupidest most fucking retarded brainwashed shit ever! he says its illegial because the health effects have been studied and it causes you harm and some more fucking bullshit that i couldnt even bare to hear! he had no problem when he found my cigars that i use for my blunts! he didnt say a word and didnt really care!
    and whenever i tried to explain to him that its almost harmless he says "these drug dealers have brainwashed you" what? are you serious? this morning he tore up my room took my half a blunt of some really dank shit i was saving for when i finished with my schoolwork and studying!  now he is saying if you dont agree with my viewpoints get out of my house! where the fuck am i going to go? they wont allow me to have a job since there afraid ill move out or some stupid shit they probably have going thru there minds!
    and now im under fucking constant suspicisons so i cant even fucking blaze outside my own home anymore! i have to deal with being constantly harrased and fucking searched if suspected!
    im fucking 19! fucking 19!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    your're going to assume this guy is a "good guy parent". no fucking way! he doesnt speak to me at all! i go days without speaking to this guy even though we see each other all the time and only time he speaks to me is when he wants or needs help with something! he is never happy to see me whenever im in the same room as him its like the feeling of i wish you was never born! 

    fuck this harrassment! im sick of it because they drive me insane!!!! Im still going to blaze i dont give a fuck! 
    I'm doing great now, I saw all the advice you guys gave. I appreciate it, whether it was good or bad. Currently got a job interview this tuesday, I told my parents and explained everything and theres not much they can do in this situation. If they decide to kick me out, So be it. I'll be find on my own because I wasn't raised with a silver spoon anyway. As for smoking weed, I haven't smoked in about 6 days. I might as well just take a tolerance break (Even though I barely have any) Until my situation improves. I will continue blazing but I'll just keep it super stealthy and if they find out I will probably just deny it. I'll play it smart. MUCH LOVE to everyone who commented here.
  2. Dam, but you should have hid your stuff before going to tell them. Not sure if my parents searched my room when i told em, probably not, but if they did there was nothing there, not for 2 weeks after.
    My advice, stay at home, don't get caught, the harassment cant go on for more than a month, And get a job, no matter what they say.
  3. i had a fucked up relationship with my dad. didn't see him for a decade at 1 point. he was a heavy drug user. when we did start hanging out it was because of weed. even though he wasn't the greatest, i still think about the times we did spend together
    i'm saying this because in the end, the bullshit don't matter. just respect their wishes until you move out. don't blaze there and don't bring it up.
  4. Mine were cool with it, "as long as I don't hotbox the house"
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. It's this kind of shit I read that makes me love my relationships with my parents. My mom definitely wouldn't want me smoking all the time but has no problem with me smoking on weekends. My dad on the other hand takes a different approach. He doesn't care if I smoke. I mean I used to burn pretty much all the time in the house when I was still living at home. The only time I would ever get yelled at was if it straight up wreaked in the house or a sarcastic comment like "just because you're high doesn't mean you can eat all my food." Honestly I feel like this was a good decision on their part. Most people when they get to college it's their first time being alone and they have no self control because they're used to having their lives controlled by their parents and they're not as experienced with things like smoking and drinking. I feel like these are most of the kids that end up flunking out because they burn everyday, getting alcohol poisoning and getting arrested for smoking. Because I had the ability to make decisions for myself I learned how to control my smoking habit and still be able to get all my work done even though I could blaze pretty much whenever I wanted too. I just feel like authoritarian parenting leads to more harm than good. Of course I'm not saying this is always true but I feel like the kids I know who do the craziest shit are people who have been bottled up and controlled their whole lives. I'm sorry your living situation is so fucked up OP. If that's the way your dad feels about you you should definitely look into getting your own place.

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  6. This kids going places. Probably to his friends house.
  7. Live with your friend and get a job until you get your own place, show them you can do good with out them and smoke.
  8. I moved out when my parents were stealing my weed, I'm talking big bags.
    Now moms old I feed her some cookies that fuck her up. Its good medicine for her pain.
  9. I completely agree. For a while I thought my mom knew and just didn't care, but then she caught me and she definitely did care. A lot of the time parents don't want their kids smoking because it's illegal and they don't want them to get in trouble and fuck up their futures, that's the reason my mom gave to me when she caught me. And when you think about it, it makes sense. I wouldn't my kid getting something like drug charges on his record. But since then my mom's been more understanding and we kind of have a don't ask don't tell relationship. But one thing is for sure, shit is WAYYYY easier if they don't know.
    Its funny how many people think their parents know. I thought mine did for sure...
  11. Well I grow for my parents to its kinda hard not to tell them. Oh the trials and tribulations of being a kid.
  12. #12 Buddycrow, Nov 20, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2013
    They don't sound like bad parents lol
    My ass would've be kicked out for being 19....
  13. Whatchu talking about, my dad was completely cool with it when i told him I smoke, he actually mentioned that he voted for legalization
  14. #14 grizdog, Nov 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2013
    lessen here you little fucking punk....
    your 19... same age as me. i pay rent to my dad to live in the room i lived in for 15 years of my life. 150 bucks a month.
    i pay my phone bill and my insurance...90 and 40  a month, respectively
    ive held a job for the past 4 years. 
    your parents dont owe you shit. they can say get the fuck out and you LEGALLY have to. grow up... just because your their kid does not mean they have to take care of you anymore.
    as much as we dont want it to be..... weed is illegal. blunt wraps for anyone over 18...are not. all your parents could ask is that you dont smoke them around them or in the house.
    your fucking lucky your parrents dont turn you in. they have every right to the way your acting.
    as for your dad not talking to you.... have you tried talking to him? about the weather, a new tv show, tell him a fucking joke.....

    FUCK OFF! 
  16. nope. 
    your a child, son. 
    if your so sick of it then leave....i bet your back at your parents house with-in 3 months...
    you graduate high school? why are you not at a college or trade school or working already? if your to poor to go to school....get a job and start your life dude
  17. Wow, very mature.
  18. #18 Al XE the Bud, Nov 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2013
    Mhm, I think we've found the problem here :D
    As for me, I told them long back. I'm also living with them till they leave town to settle down in my dad's old hometown.
    They don't like me smoking it, but they also understand that "everyone needs their vices", apparently :D
    And anyway, if they create too much of a fuss, I'll just leave pronto :confused_2:
  19. I told my mom,  she smoked a bowl with me right after.
    My dad still doesnt know. Im sure my siblings do, cousins even.
    Then again my dad probably knows I just have never admitted.
    Different for everyone I guess, you just never know what the other person is thinking.
  20. OP, I don't want to offend, but there's really no nice way to say this: You come across as a disrespectful, hateful, whiny, prissy, entitled little cunt. Those are your parents. They pay for you to have a roof over your head, food to eat, water to drink, and clothes to wear. They bend over backwards to provide for you as best they can. And until you get a job and either move out or start paying rent, it doesn't matter what YOU think and believe. They do all this for you, and you give them shit because they have ONE policy that you disagree with (which, if I may add, was put into effect because YOU told them you smoked). You need to suck it up and take it like a man and quit giving your parents a hard time. You have no one but yourself to blame. Peace and love. :smoke:

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