Neither CA Attorney General candidate, willing to publicly agree to obey the law.

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by oltex, Oct 14, 2010.

  1. Neither CA Attorney General candidate willing to publicly agree to obey the law.
    DrugWarRant / Pete Guither / 10,14,2010

    So if they're not so sure they should accept the vote of the people, then, as Paul notes, where is the validity in their election?

    Heck, with Prop 19, voters are given a real choice. They can accept the proposition or reject it. With the Attorney General race, they only have a fake choice - they have to pick one of the candidates and aren't allowed to reject them (I've always been a big fan of adding “none of the above” to ballots). That means that if Prop 19 passes, it is more likely the will of the people than the Attorney General's victory.

    At the end of the article, Paul Armentano asks:

    Which ultimately brings up the question: If a government's legitimate use of state power is based on the consent of the governed, then at what point does marijuana prohibition - in particular the federal enforcement of prohibition - become illegitimate public policy? Ready or not, California's next attorney general needs to be able to answer that question objectively and definitively.

    Oo, oo, I know the answer. Pick me! Pick me!
    We done passed that point a long time ago…
    It's no longer in the rear view mirror…
    We passed it so long ago it's in a different time zone….
    That point's so old its clothes have gone out of style…
    Oh, look! There it goes again - we just lapped it!…
    I looked back with my telescope for it, but all I could see was the redshift…

    How important is it to our government to continue telling the world we are a government of the people,for the people,by the people when we are at war with people all over the world to bring them to our form of democracy?
  2. From what I was told Cooley is the one leading the raids in L.A.
    Can somebody confirm?
  3. I think that's right, he's definitely an outspoken opponent to mmj
  4. Definitely voting for Harris then.

    At least Harris is seeming to accept it IF the votes pass.
  5. Everybody remember your ABC's when voting, Anybody But Cooley.

    Got that from an ad in a med club. :cool:

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