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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by sundar334, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. I recently started smoking. I do not smoke tobacco, just smoke pot. I live in an apartment and I am surrounded by elder people.. I am worried someone might smell pot and complain. Is there anyway to prevent the smoke getting into corridor and the neighbors don't smell it.

  2. Yes, purchase a vaporizer. (not a vape pen)
  3. u would have to be smoking a ton of really danky for your neighbors to smell it
  5. The smell of weed cannot travel through solid walls, only through vents and doorways/windows. Apartment units usually each have their own ventilation system so people can have their own climate control setting, so the only possibility would be the smell of weed coming out yoru front door into the hallway. And my experience is even if people have open sacks sitting out and are blazing in the living room you can only really smell it if you get close to the door. Someone passing by would probably never catch a whiff. But if you really wanna eliminate risk then just smoke in the bathroom with the fan on and leave it on for a while afterwards. As long as you're not blazing blunts/joints all day long you shouldn't have anything to worry about.

    And even if somebody did smell it, chances are they aren't gonna give a shit unless it's getting into their unit. And even if they were total assholes and called the cops, they can't just go busting into people's private residences because of a hint of weed outside the door. You're fine, don't worry
  6. Lol smoke with your old ass neighbors.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  7. Alot of apartment complexes tend to have at least one resident who's got no life and just has to spy on everyone else all day and snitch them out. Dont smoke inside just find a very well hidden area outside.
  8. As an old person, I would recommend not bogarting the joint. We went to high school in the 60s and now that were retired basically just get high all day. Don't be a bad neighbor, smoke out your elders.

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