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negative effects of MJ (pamphlet)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by q8y, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. I recieved a pamphlet about the nagative effects of MJ

    now i live in kuwait which is an arab country, and I always wondered about the negative effects of MJ in arabic

    now im going to translate roughly the points they gave and i hope people can comment on them one by one if possible.

    PS: i havent smoked for months and when i did it was just a couple of joints, so im realy a noob which is why i need help

    they dont say anything about it being against religioun so this is realy a scientific presented pamflet, so i hope you can reply with the same fashion

    1. THC accumilates in the brain and reproductive glans
    2. longterm smoking causes negative effects to the brain and destroys cells and effects the reproductive orgrans negativly which will lead to lowering your sexual performance
    3. longterm smoking lowers your immune system and causes various infections
    4. smoing mj mixed with tobacco causes cancer of the lung because both mj and tobacco contain cancerous meterial
    5. longterm smokign mixed with tobacco causes infections in the stomache as a result of some sort of acid reducing (cloric acid?) not sure.
    6. Causes infections in the eye 72% of smokers (LOL?)
    7. addicted person will have a longterm headache and a low performance in all of his muscles and nerves.
    8. effects the digestive system and prevents person from feeling hungry and bad digesting increase in gases and causes diahrea and constipation (wow both at the same time)
    9. hashish (weed) will lower your sexual perfrmance oposite of what some smokers may think, because it lowers the generating of the terstosterone hormone.. and may cause the smoker to become more feminate like increase in size of nipples ...and for the woman it will cause PMS to happen more often.
    10. weed will have a phsycological effect on you negativly, phsycological addiction for example.
    11. ruines your personality
    12. leads to other drugs
    13. smoking wont cause you to commit a crime directly but will make it easier for you to lose controklof your emotions which causes you to commit crimes
    14. sudden stopping of smoking will cause you to be depressed and cant sleep and shaking of joints?
    15. clear symptom in smoker is that he does not thinkg long term only lives each day

    I hope you can comment on each one, WOULD love a one to one comment on these,
    some of these are silly but some also got me wondering,
  2. Everything on that list is a lie.
  3. do note the picture on thepamflet of "weed" was the dirties shwag ive ever seen, horse shit looks better than what they put

    so this may be for shwag lol
  4. Herb actually helps my pms cramps.
  5. None of those are true.
    Granny come save this poor soul.
  6. I lived day by day before I smoked, now I plan ahead for more important things more often.
  7. I'm waiting for granny as well :wave:
  8. Granny will come. She will sense Cannabis being misrepresented and come with the facts :)
  9. Holy shit this is straight comedy. Seriously...It is pretty UN-scientific if you ask me. The first one that says THC stores itself in your reproductive glands and your brain is complete BS. Anyone will tell you that THC affects the endocannabinoid system which has receptors located all throughout your body. We have small amounts of cannabinoids in our brains at all times. Other drugs like heroin affect (correct me if im wrong) serotonin and dopamine receptors which are responsible for alotttt of things such as mood and motivation. THC affects its own set of receptors, it does not store in your organs....
  10. and i agree, maybe if your smoking schwag all day everyday maybe SOME of these could be true..
  11. I'm HONESTLY not being a typical stoner when i say this. But science can genuinely debunk every single fucking myth on that pamphlet, and while someone of them are partly true, it's only true on the grounds that weed is SMOKED, put a vaporizer into the situation and every single one is 100% incorrect.
  12. 3. seems plausible.. and 4. (duuh, smoke in lungs = bad) but depends a lot on the quantity, like with's like you can die from too much salt..
    The rest is either either unfounded in reality or simply BS.

  13. 8 and 9 are FUCKING GOLD haha the eye infection one is pretty damn hilarious as well.
  14. The most negative effect for me is if I run out then I have to wait to get restocked so can resume being chill.
  15. [quote name='"q8y"']I recieved a pamphlet about the nagative effects of MJ

    now i live in kuwait which is an arab country, and I always wondered about the negative effects of MJ in arabic

    now im going to translate roughly the points they gave and i hope people can comment on them one by one if possible.

    PS: i havent smoked for months and when i did it was just a couple of joints, so im realy a noob which is why i need help

    they dont say anything about it being against religioun so this is realy a scientific presented pamflet, so i hope you can reply with the same fashion

    [*]THC accumilates in the brain and reproductive glans
    - no, it accumulates in your fat, and your body safely takes care of it. Never in your brain or reproductive glands.

    [*]longterm smoking causes negative effects to the brain and destroys cells and effects the reproductive orgrans negativly which will lead to lowering your sexual performance
    - Studies have proven extensively that cannabis doesn't destroy any sort of cell, and has NO negative effect on the brain. They've also shown no negative effect on sexual performance, that's just ridiculous.

    [*]longterm smoking lowers your immune system and causes various infections
    - nope, nope, nope. Plenty of studies showing the opposite, no studies showing this.

    [*]smoing mj mixed with tobacco causes cancer of the lung because both mj and tobacco contain cancerous meterial
    - Cannabis alone has been shown to LOWER lung cancer rates, even in extremely heavy users. Tobacco use can increase lung cancer rates up to 20x, but it very obviously has nothing to do with cannabis.

    [*]longterm smokign mixed with tobacco causes infections in the stomache as a result of some sort of acid reducing (cloric acid?) not sure.
    - Longterm smoking of weed mixed with crack causes health issues as well, but rest assured it's the crack, not the cannabis.

    [*]Causes infections in the eye 72% of smokers (LOL?)
    - It causes no eye infections, and is actually used to treat glaucoma.

    [*]addicted person will have a longterm headache and a low performance in all of his muscles and nerves.
    - You can't become physically addicted to cannabis, and the extremely tame withdrawal symptoms do not include these

    [*]effects the digestive system and prevents person from feeling hungry and bad digesting increase in gases and causes diahrea and constipation (wow both at the same time)
    - Completely made up, it's often used to treat for eating disorders, it actually temporarily stops production of the chemical that makes you feel full. So the very opposite.

    [*]hashish (weed) will lower your sexual perfrmance oposite of what some smokers may think, because it lowers the generating of the terstosterone hormone.. and may cause the smoker to become more feminate like increase in size of nipples ...and for the woman it will cause PMS to happen more often.
    - Hilarious scare tactics used by idiots in powers forever. Not a single study shows this in the slightest. They literally made this up without even a single study or backing.

    [*]weed will have a phsycological effect on you negativly, phsycological addiction for example.
    - Nope

    [*]ruines your personality
    - How exactly did they test for this? Many things effect one's personality. It's just BS

    [*]leads to other drugs
    - This is assuming people are absolutely stupid. Cannabis is a drug, but there's nothing in it that makes you want to try other drugs. If people try hard drugs, it's because of their choice to.

    [*]smoking wont cause you to commit a crime directly but will make it easier for you to lose controklof your emotions which causes you to commit crimes
    - People are chill while high, and if you lose control of your emotions it's cause you're weak, and has nothing to do with cannabis. People are far LESS likely to commit crimes on cannabis.

    [*]sudden stopping of smoking will cause you to be depressed and cant sleep and shaking of joints?
    - I've stopped suddenly after heavily using cannabis and I've been fine each and every time.

    [*]clear symptom in smoker is that he does not thinkg long term only lives each day
    - Tell that to the many successful smokers.

    I hope you can comment on each one, WOULD love a one to one comment on these,
    some of these are silly but some also got me wondering,[/quote]

    Responded inline to each "fact"
  16. #16 BlazeLE, Mar 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2012
    the only one that has any validity to it is 14 and its only the lack of sleep. at least for me since ive had insomnia my whole life and i can actually get a good nights sleep when i smoke... all the others are bullshit. lower sexual performance? i last longer when im high...

    oh and duh smoking tobacco with lead to cancer but cannabis has been proven to prevent and in some cases fight cancer. saying that cannabis causes cancer is like saying eating oranges causes you to get a tan...
  17. honestly the worst part of weed is that you are inhaling smoke. but it's not that bad at all. i smoke cigs so i'm definitly not worried about the mj destroying my lungs
  18. "effects the digestive system and prevents person from feeling hungry"............................:eek:

  19. damn i need some of that weed... im tired of the munchies.

  20. honestly the smoke isnt even bad for our lungs. well unless you ghost your hits. if you only hold it for 4-5 seconds most of the bad stuff is exhaled.

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