Need ways to build a stealth box for cheap

Discussion in 'Do It Yourself' started by greenmann101, Jun 17, 2011.

  1. Hey grasscity I need some cheap ways to build a box for me to grow about 5 health plants. I'f someone would help me put I would really appreciate it
  2. hey, to avoid buying units you can easily find something that you can you use on the street, for example i found my speaker on the street next to mine and used that. My box cost me under £20 (about $30 i think lol) excluding the ozone generator.
    i bought a car reflector shield from poundland which works great.
    For an exhaust I took my fan out of my old pc and connected it to an ac adapter.
    You would be using CFLs which aren't expensive, for 5 plants you would probably need around 8 23W CFL's ? I'm not 100% sure though. you can purchase temperature readers cheaply at garden centres.
    Just try and think outside the box on what to use :smoke:
  3. Don't fixate yourself on 5 plants. Build the best box you can with cfl's, mylar, and a pc fan, then run a couple of tests to find out what works best for your rig. There's plenty of help waiting for you in the other posts of this section.
  4. Thank for the help iv Ben reading up on it alot I have a good idea of what ima do

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