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Need some ideas in making a piece

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Stevo3107, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. I have usually just been using little water bottles (the 3 or 4 inch tall ones) and melting a bowl into the side so it's airtight and making a carb on the bottom of the bottle. Smoking it thru the opening where u drink from. But I want to try a different kind of piece. If anyone has any homemade piece ideas let me know. Preferably pieces as big or smaller than a regular water bottle so I can easily hide it.
  2. Becareful on making pieces some materials make very dangerous fumes when burnt. Honestly your best bet would just be going to your local head shop and getting a cheap pipe.
  3. I am trying to avoid that. Hence me posing this thread haha. I enjoy making my own pieces an using them. I would rather have a home made piece than to have a real pipe.
  4. Burn a hole on the side of the water bottle near the bottom about the size of the end of a joint.

    Burn carb near top of the bottle

    Roll a joint make sure there is a good sized filter

    Stick joint (filter first obviously) in the hole.

    If it is not airtight stick some gum around the joint and hole.

    Light joint while suck from water bottle top while holding carb

    Hold carb. Inhale. get high

    Gets you super high. Idk why it does but it does

    We call it a flute where i live
  5. I have never made a blunt so so much for that. I have never had to. I have only smoked blunts my friends have made. But that sounds like it would work really well.

  6. Got to be 18+ to use the forums.

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