Ok so my dad says he going to randomly drug test me and its been 2 months. So I obviously wanna smoke some weed. My question is how can i make him think im high and have been smoking so he will drug test me?
act a little bit out of it, maybe kidna spacey, talk slower dont make eye contact basically be the stereotype of a stoner
Throw some sand in your face (for red eyes) masturbate with your door open. say something about being high? Or you could turn 18 and move out of daddys crib...
Have your friends hotbox a closet or car or something while you're chilling inside it so you will reek of dank buds. Then pour some salt water into your eyes so they turn really red. Good luck man
Shit on the carpet and get it in the carpet real good then take the leftovers and smear it all over the walls while screaming, that should do it.
Get some soap in your eyes. Just a little, enough to make em red. A little soap in the eyes never hurt anyone. And then act spacey. That'll trick him good
[quote name='"hankj"']Ok so my dad says he going to randomly drug test me and its been 2 months. So I obviously wanna smoke some weed. My question is how can i make him think im high and have been smoking so he will drug test me?[/quote] This ***** underage...
Ahahhahahahahahaha... now why would you want to act high so he'd d.t you? He's just going to drug test you more, because he thought you were high. His reasoning for it coming up clean would be 'this test is worthless' cuz home drug tests are pieces of shit. He's forgotten it by now or you're gaining his trust back so he doesn't have too. when you smoke and you're around them just act normal. Do your normal shit that you do everyday... MYWORD. ...I don't see why you want to act high in front of your parentals..
ummm that doesn't make any sense, if his dad dt's him and he passes then wouldn't he think huh maybe my son stopped smoking for good and he wouldn't anymore? Pretty sure that's what the op's plan is.
just go up to him and in your best stoner voice and say "yo dad mannn, you ever like wonder if you know life is... wait whaat?"
@op statement does not make sense it sounds silly or you are a troll one and im not the one to call troll unless it seems likely based on your post.
[quote name='"intoyou"'] ummm that doesn't make any sense, if his dad dt's him and he passes then wouldn't he think huh maybe my son stopped smoking for good and he wouldn't anymore? Pretty sure that's what the op's plan is.[/quote] If he acts high and he gets dt'd annd it shows up clean he's gunna assume a lot worse, like he's doin shrooms (can't show up on a dt) or he will think the test is a fraud... I don't see why he wants to be dt'd if he's not being drug tested right now and its been a few months. I'm sure he's forgotten or he trusts you.