Dear fellow blades, Right now, I am going through probably the worst times of my adult life. I dont have very many people to help me through this. The few that I do have, are very limited. I am an extremely proud person. You all dont know how hard it is to post something like this, admitting how I need help, to people that I only know through a computer screen. I may be without a home very soon. I am not asking anyone for a place to stay, but if there is anyone out there who is available to help me if I need it, I would be eternally grateful for any offers. If nothing else, just someone to txt or talk to over the phone, would be a huge help. PM me, or let me know in this thread. Thanks and god bless, - Chad
hit me on aim if you'd like. i duno how exactly ill be of service to you, but im always willin to help a brother in need
I cant help really, but if your just looking for someone to txt i can help you with that man. Sometimes talking to people can really help a person out.