Need some advice on 250w or 400w hps

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by iloveto_GROW, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. Hello fellow growers!
    I'm building a new grow box which is 2 ft w x 1.5 ft d x 5ft tall and I need some advice on my lighting set up.
    I'm planning on using a 400w hps for the flowering chamber which will only be 2ft w x 1.5ft d x 3ft tall, the top 2ft will be used for . The reason I am using a 400w hps is because I already have one from my previous grow, less cost, and I love HPS POWER(works magic on those buds)! But the problem is I have much less space to deal with now as you can see. So I was planning on purchasing the daystar air cooled 6" hood with the tempered glass shield.

    Will this be enough to keep the temperature at a good level? Or should I buy and use a 250w? I was planning on getting the hood because it's cheaper then buying a 250w and could definitely use the hood and 400w if I get more space to grow.
  2. That space seems pretty small for a 400 but it might work. I would plan on spending some cash on a nice inline duct fan, at least a 6'' fan but I would get an 8''.

    Actually now that I think of it a little more, I dont know man...3' tall that is pretty small. Thats gonna be a tuff one to keep the heat down.
  3. Personally, I would go with the 250 watt. Based on your space, which btw is approx. the same as mine, a 250w would be more than enough light.

    Also, I was concerned about not having enough light when I bought my 250w hps, but was surprised how much it puts out. I actually had to raise it a couple inches over the last few days cause it was starting to burn my plant leaves.
  4. yeah man 250 should do you well with that kinda space.. 400 gets pretty hot..

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