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Need some advice from seasoned smokers.

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by payter, Jun 17, 2009.

  1. I'm 18 and I just graduated from high school, but I still live with both of my parents. I've been smoking for about 4-5 years now and have been getting away with it by staying at a friends house or going somewhere to do it. After graduation most of my friends have moved away and left me with no place to toke up besides my house. I have tried doing it in my bathroom(which is in my bedroom) with the air vent on and using a hoodie to blow the smoke in to, but that still makes my whole room smell like weed. I'm considering telling my parents that I smoke so I don't have to feel guilty anymore and might even be able to do it in the house without fear, but I would like some advice on how to break the news to them without them getting too worked up or worried.

    To give a little information on how my parents view weed, I will add this next part. About 2 years ago I got arrested for smoking. My parents came to pick me up from jail and were more pissed than I have ever seen them. My mom was caught up in all the propaganda that the government spews out and actually thought Marijuana was as bad as Cocaine. My dad is a doctor, and while he has never used it before, knows the true facts about it. My dad was more angry that I broke the law than that I was smoking, and I believe he would have no problem with it at all if it were legal. I ended up getting grounded for 10 days with nothing to do except listen to the radio. They both know that I fully support Marijuana legalization and that I have a vast knowledge on the effects and dangers of smoking, even though they don't suspect that I still smoke.

    So provided with how my parents handled me getting arrested, do you think it would be a good idea to tell them I still smoke? If telling them would be the best choice, advice on how to best present it to them would be greatly appreciated.

    Edit: My internet messed up and I accidentally posted this twice, is there anyway to delete the other thread?
  2. #2 yourHIGHness, Jun 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2009
    dont tell them.

    just go for a "bike ride" or a "walk".

    if anything, talk to your dad about it, and let him break it to your mom.
  3. Don't smoke in your parents house...

    Go for a walk and toke.
  4. I'd bring it up to your father as a future consideration. See how he reacts to the prospect of you smoking "in the near future" then go with the flow. Depending on your financial circumstances it may be prudent to bring up vaporizing (buying a vaporizer). And considering your father's occupation, I'd go at it from the medicinal angle. I'm sure you can think of at least one, two, or even three things that marijuana helps you with from social anxiety, motivation, pain relief, lack of hunger, etc. Look at the list of ailments in the medical marijuana thread.

    In the meantime read the posts on how to get away with smoking in the bathroom. There are several.
  5. Yea, was in the same boat as you a whole back and there reaction was NOT AT ALL what I had anticipated, I would suggest just keeping it on the dl and walking a nice fatty j.
  6. ya are there any secluded areas around its a perfect place go and toke

    I live in Texas theres plenty there
  7. ok....thats crazy...but if i were in your situation i wouldent tell them until you have moved out..

    because were probably not an adult when you got caught....this time if your parents knew now they would have to worry about keepin you out of jail...believe me when my dad found out i smoke i was 18 and he keeps sayin to this day....i dont wanna have to bail you out of jail..when you turn 18 it goes on your record forlife and you get more serious charges..and your dad is a doctor i could see him being brainwashed about all the negative affects on marijuana.

    if you still wanna smoke stealthly like than get an empty tube of toilet paper, jam it with dryer sheets and blow the smoke thru there..or just go for a walk and smoke a blunt

    if you do wanna break it to them about you smoking just bring up the facts about how not 1 marijuana induced death has ever occured ever..

    but thats just me..
    hope this helps
  8. Judging by your parent's reaction to you being caught I don't think it's the best idea to tell them the truth. BUT, if you are convinced you need to tell them, make sure to emphasize how you want to smoke in the privacy of your own home so you don't have to worry about being arrested. Tell them you use it occasionally and moderately and that you don't let it run your life. Good luck
  9. Use the search menu and find the other 5000 bulletins about this if you're looking for advice.:rolleyes:
  10. Here is the best solution: Get a job and move out.

    Here is the second best solution. Get an Iolite (I-Inhale) Vaporizer and use it outside or in your bathroom. Hardly any smell at all. VERY stealth. Looks like a phone or a walkie talkie. Here's a great demo:
    [ame=]YouTube - I-Inhale Vaporizer Demo By Pinky[/ame]

  11. Lol the 'walk' was my first thought!! Lol its a no brainer kid! I go on walks every damn day. I would much rather toke up outside anyways.. no stagnant smoke in the room.. nice and fresh!
    Also a couple tips on that,
    If its windy, roll a joint of a blunt in your bathroom and stash it away until you have reached your spark up spot! Blunts are more dl because they look like cigars and no one usually looks twice. Joints are kinda obvious... I prefer blunts.
    If you don't have the ability to roll, stuff a cigg. Easy, kinda annoying, but the end result is pretty much the same.

    And I have been smoking since 12 and my mom just recently found out I smoke (I'm 21) So I don't really think its a pressing issue right now.. I got the 'You're an adult, I can't stop you from smoking' bit.. and 18 is just not quite adult, especially since you live with your parents still.

    Get a job, get a place, get out.. show them you can smoke and function at the same time and they can't say SHIT to you!!!! :wave:
  12. Dont tell your parents,

    Get a vaporizer. A buddy of mine has owned a vape for a year and can toke happily without having to worry about any smoke/smell
  13. Part of being a seasoned toker is stealth smoking
    i can take hits with my father in the other room, and one wall my room isnt even a real wall
    just gotta know what ur doing, get a sploof, and some beeline/candle for silent lighting and only pack snaps

    but yea if ur paying rent they should be cool with u smoking, i mean its ur space, but if they are just letting u live for free, hell i wouldnt want u blazing either if u were my kid and living with me still at 18 and couldnt pay rent
  14. I live with my rents to recently 18 but I'm still in hgih school I'll be a senior after the summer and I just go outside on the side of the house with my dog my mom loves how I volunteer to walk her dog all the time.

  15. OMG I am going to get one of those!!! :eek:
  16. I also do this, works fine. Shouldn't smell too much.
  17. Stop with joints, get a metal pipe and a bottle cap. Use a sploof/blow tube (toilet paper holder with a few tissues stuffed inside with lots of cologne, scented oils or air freshener all over it.
    Lit the pipe, take a hit, cover it and blow out the tube/window that should help ya.
    Did it like that for yrs when I had to be stealth. Also did so at an old office gig when the days would get long :)
  18. dont tell keep it a secret, the less they know the better
  19. you can toke at my house :smoking: shit'd be good.....
  20. Sounds like you need a vaporizer my friend.
    In the mean time only take one hitters that release all of the smoke from the herb while you're hitting it and blow out the sploof out the window. I had a friend who had the ultimate setup. He attached a trombone mouthpiece to a waterbottle with a computer fan mounted on the end, waterbottle stuffed full of dryer sheets. This was connected to an exhaust tube which went out the window. Practically 0 smell.

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