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Need serious advice for non-smoking wife of stoner.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Smokerswifey, May 11, 2011.

  1. Hello all,

    I need some advice and a different perspective. My husband smokes daily, wake & bake, all the way thru till bed. I know it won't affect his driving, etc, and that it's natural, unlike pharmaceuticals. He doesn't really do a whole lot else though ( no kids, just chores, he's not working, and not really looking), and what he does do is half-assed.

    He smoked like this when we started dating, but we moved out of state, he had no hookup, so he cut back to once every other month (when he could get it). Only then would I agree to marry him. It's a year later, I took a job back in our hometown, and he's back to smoking daily.

    Here's my question for the green community: Am I being unreasonable in asking him to only party on weekends? (My job random tests-so not worth it). Where do you draw the line when you're having to buy gear for your spouse? I love him more than anything, and I want to do what's right. Is it a fair statement to say that if pot is a part of his life, then he has to show that he can be productive while on it?

    Please don't hate. I'm really trying to be understanding.
  2. Tell him to get a job or at least look for one. It's perfectly reasonable for you to expect him to carry his own weight and you DEFINITELY shouldn't be buying him weed if he can't pay for it himself, that's just enabling.
  3. Tell his lazy ass to find a fucking job.
  4. You sound like a fantastic woman, and I feel that what your asking for is not unreasonable. Unfortunately some people can not handle juggling life while smoking all day while others can. Partying on weekdays and with no job, sounds like a lazy husband, I would demand him to get his act together because by the sound of it (From what I have read) he is taking advantage of your hard work so that he can smoke all day and party all night. I would just ask him to slow down on the smoking and partying and get a job like the rest of us.
  5. You gotta get his ass in gear.

    I couldn't agree more with this statement.
  6. You are not unreasonable. Your husband seems like a lazy guy. He needs to get off his ass and get a job. He also can do things around the house. Please dont think all smokers are this way. I work, do online classes, and I clean most the house and i can still smoke. Its like Joe Rogan says people who are lazy are going to be lazy while smoking. There are all types of smokers who work out, have jobs, and do many productive things.
  7. Hi wifey :wave:

    First off, welcome to grasscity! Hope you come away with all the information you need.

    Your final statement should be a mantra for every stoner. Yes, as an married adult, he needs to show responsibility for his own life. Yours too. On the other hand, approaching someone who evidently hasn't got that much willpower in respect to cannabis isn't easy.

    As he doesn't sound like he will stop using for the sake of it, you're going to have to persuade him and help him fill his time so his usage drops naturally. Sit and have a talk with him about jobs, and push him in the right direction. Have a look at jobs yourself, and if you see one you think he might be good at/enjoy, just drop it into dinner conversation.

    You want the best for him, but be careful you don't encroach too far into his business and start forcing him to do things. This will only make things worse. Instead, be that guiding light.

    You also have some control over his spending. If he pesters you for money, say you're short this month and can't afford the extra luxury of his weed. In any event, this may push him gently into thinking that he needs a job, and hopefully he'll get one.

    I hope you have some success with him!
  8. Okay, this is encouraging. I know he has some problems (don't we all?), but I'm gonna stick to my guns on this one. One more question; if he decides to go back to college and wants to smoke. Part-time job to buy his green?
  9. If he can't afford to smoke he shouldn't smoke.

    So yes, part-time job imo.
  10. Passitaround, great insight, very helpful. You are right about the direct approach not working well. Unfortunately he knows better than if I say money is tight (I do okay financially). One time he stole money from me to get it (long story). Just trying to make sure I'm not being a total bitch about this.

    I was originally okay with him staying home and "finding himself" but I don't think that's happening. I know, stop enabling, right?
  11. weed is awesome when it does not interfere with your everyday responsibilities and finances , in the mean time if you buy it you are saying go ahead, he needs to clean up his act, when I work I do not smoke before, I wait till night time & weekends- I do not work well stoned and I know it so you compromise.
    sounds like you dh has a nice setup? i do tell not want to encourage lying to him but honey dont show him all your money, start cutting back - dont stock the fridge , if he cant contribute then he should not take from you either !:smoke:

    peace, love & happiness
  12. you should kick his ass to the curb and tell him not to come back till hes got a job making 6 figures a year...
  13. Tell him he shouldn't let a plant govern his life and he needs to stop mooching off you and essentially using you...
    Tell him to get a job and do something with his life (not trying to sound rude).
  14. There are users and abusers with any chemical. He is being an abuser. As much as you may love him, it's either the weed or you. If you can't handle it responsibly you need to realize that and take it out of your life.
  15. tell him he's making stoners look bad
  16. Personally, if he isn't looking for a job and half-assing the little stuff he does do then thats not the right spouse for me. There's nothing wrong with being productive and smoking on the side, but smoking primarily and working on the side doesn't cut it for me. I would reconsider the relationship with this person if they show no change or no moves towards change in the near future. Good luck.
  17. if he loves you as much as you love him he will undrstand. and yes tell that lazy bastard to get off his ass and get a job
  18. Okay.....there's where I would draw the "cross this and you're dead" line. I don't know the entire back story on this situation, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this guy's got a problem.

    Yeah we've all had hard financial times, but I can say, proudly, that I have never stolen cash from someone so I can get my "fix".

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