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Need ideas to keep weed from drying from opening/closing lid

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Santiago, Nov 5, 2009.

  1. #1 Santiago, Nov 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2009
    I tried to find other threads about this, but nothing real specific...sorry to all if I overlooked any.

    I'd like to know how all of you manage to keep your primary stash from drying out. I picked up the canning jars last night, so I've got the airtight covered, but I don't want to have it dry out because of constantly opening and closing the lids to get my daily doses.

    I'm going to try just putting out what I'll need in a pill jar, and then grind as needed....

    How do you keep yours nice and fluffy?

  2. #2 Klao, Nov 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2009
    Unless you're reaching into that jar more than once every couple of hours, I don't know whether or not there's any real risk of it losing freshness. The lid will be on more than 95% of the time, right?

    If it is an issue, however, I would try to reserve a jar or two to be my "current" stash. I'd keep the main jar on standby, and refill the "current" jar with about a three-day supply, as needed. When you decide you're ready for a smoke, go to your current jar, until it empties. This way, you're opening your main stash once every three days .... not three times a day.
  3. #3 Santiago, Nov 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2009
    lol, nah, it's more of a daily thing....although come to think of it, I wouldn't be surprised if I've used my jar like it was m&m's before

    although I like the 2nd/3rd jar idea.....since i'm only getting it in 8ths at a time right now, i'm thinking a main jar > 2nd jar > pill jar may actually work out.....
  4. Ah, I apologize friend. I made some edits to my post; I didn't think you'd read it so quickly. ;)

    What do you think of the multiple jar suggestion?
  5. Well, there you go then. I know that's what I'd do. Easy and effective. :)
  6. This is exactly what i do. I have my different strains in large glass jars, and then 3-4 grams of my preferred strain inside a small mason jar that sits in my desk. My bud stays in the same condition for months.
  7. if you only get 8ths then it really isnt going to have time to dry out.... i cant imagine i takes you more than a week to smoke an eighth right? the weed would be fine in a simple ziplock for that period of time. If you wanna put it in a jar, which i do, then hey, thats all the better, but dude you are just opening the lid and closing it every once in a while. its not going to dry out from that.

    Just pull out what you are going to use for that day and put it aside, then ur only opening it once a day. this thread is kind of silly... come on.

  8. this also helps me conserve my bud as well. have a set amount you can smoke for that day and put it aside in a new jar.
  9. To be honest the best way to conserve bud is this.

    1. Have an airtight jar that you keep weighed and set aside.
    2. Have an airtight jar that you keep ground up, depositing old shake into your grinder now and then to sift for kief. When the shake gets super built up (I don't often smoke my shake and sometimes have LOTS) make some small edibles, hash, or just stick it in your grinder and sling a nickle around till it's all kief'd up.

    That's it! Grab a nug or two from Jar 1 once or twice a week, have it ground up and in the other jar, and you'll be all set. You'll grab less then you normally would for personal tokage because you'll see that you have less, however you'll still get yourself plenty high, and this way you have more for your "friends" and can go buy more later!! This works great when trying to save/make money yet still smoke (for free smoking is how it's done!).
  10. I usually buy in small doses (1/4-1/2). I keep three jars.
    1. modified 7up can in the fridge for longer term storage
    2. Smaller metal tin from Silverstone for unground quick access bud.
    3. Smallest metal tin from silverstone for ground bud.
  11. I've always ended up having my weed dried up, but I really think it's because I would be opening that lid frequently, which makes sense. I like the multiple jars because I am buying multiple strains of 8ths at a time. For instance, last week I bought cannasutra and this week I got purple voodoo and banana kush. So, I wanna keep the strains separated, and as fresh as possible.

    I've been blessed with an opportunity to be able to purchase high quality strains much more conveniently. I am really excited to enjoy the taste of marijuana and it's different strains.

    SO, after thinking about it, I also will be able to keep them much fresher, longer, because I'll be using a variety versus just one container.

    I'm going to be using a pill jar to house what I think I'll use when I'm not at home.

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