Need help with insects

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Soldier, Aug 12, 2002.

  1. I havn t looked at my plants for the past couple days, and when i went out this morning there was little black and red bugs all over a few leaves and dimollished a few others. I was just wondering what these are and what I should do?
  2. get a good general insecticide! organic do not work well. Get something that kills all especially spidermites.
    good luck.

  3. Mites
    Hosts: Many field crops, ornamentals, greenhouse, and houseplants.
    Symptoms: Mites are not insects but, rather, are more closely related to scorpions and spiders. Unlike insects, adult mites have four pairs of legs regardless of the species. Probably the most common mite problem is due to the two-spotted mite. Two-spotted mites cause chlorotic stippling of leaves giving the appearance that a fine tan to yellow sand has been sprinkled on the foliage. This symptom is very distinctive and is readily recognized by experienced growers. As populations increase, webbing is often spun over foliage and flowers. These mites are most likely to be found on the underside of leaves and in the flowers. The mites' piercing-sucking mouth parts cause curling of leaflets from outside inward by creating small depressions in young leaves. Damaged flower buds sometimes will not open or open only to be distorted.

    Life Cycle: The time span from egg to adult varies greatly with the temperature. Under hot, dry conditions, the egg to adult life cycle may be completed in seven days. At 70F the life cycle is 20 days but only half that when temperatures are at 80F. High temperatures and low relative humidity favors mite development. Eggs hatch in two to five days into six-legged nymphs which feed for a short time. Next, an inactive resting stage of about 1.5 days duration occurs. This stage is repeated approximately three times until the eight-legged adult finally emerges from the last resting stage. Because each female may deposit 100 eggs or more, the potential for rapid population increases is great. High humidity (80 percent or more) with a cool temperature (60F) favors their development. The life cycle from egg to adult can occur in only two weeks with the female living up to four weeks and laying up to 100 eggs.

    Description: Besides red, the mites may be yellow or green with two dark spots on their bodies. They are about 1/50-inch in length.

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