Need help planing camp trip

Discussion in 'The Great Outdoors' started by Red Lou, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. hey GC me and a few of my friends have been talking about going camping for a while but not that easy cause we live in Harlem (Manhattan). i was wonderin if anyone can suggest some good places to go because when ive looked at campinggrowns they seem to have a lot of rules and im afraid that ppl may complain or say something about us blazing and lead to problems... dose any one know were would be a nice area thx for the help
  2. I think the Catskills would be the place for you to go...they're on a couple hours away from NYC but they have lots of amazing hiking, boating, well as some interesting artsy towns like Margaretville, NY. I wouldn't worry too much about blazing, as rules generally aren't adhered to too strictly in campgrounds. Just don't make too much noise, don't bother other campers, and you'll be fine. There are certainly plenty of places to smoke if you go camping...
  3. Blue Ridge Mountains, dude. Beautiful.

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