Need help knowing if it's male or female

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Trino, Jul 10, 2017.

  1. This is my first time ever posting so hopefully I do it right. I am growing 4 plants in total in my backyard in pots. 2 power nap strain and 1 mowi wowi and 1 random seed I found in my weed. They are about 8 weeks since they sprouted and the random seed has been showing signs of sex they look like little balls but I think they also have like little hairs so I am unsure. I will showpictures of the unknown weed. The thirdpicture there was another ball but it seems like it fell off. If you can tell me if it's male or female that would be a lot of help please and thank you!
    IMG_2178.JPG IMG_2179.JPG

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  2. First picture is male. Can't tell on the second. Not the same plant?
  3. No it's the same plant. So it's a male?
  4. No it's the same plant. So it's a male?
  5. Yes those little balls are male flowers. Female flower are kinda onion shaped with 2 little hairs popping out the top. Preflowers are at the point where leaf meets stem. Called internode.
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  6. Definitely male.
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