Hey fellow friends, so a friend is growing two northern lights from seed (victory seeds, feminised northern lights seeds). They are about 2 weeks old. Both have been kept in same conditions and get swapped from left to right each day just to mix up which is closest to the humidifier etc. One is much perkier and often reaching upwards towards the light ALTHOUGH the leaves are slightly folding upwards like a taco! The second is droopy just looks a little sad in my opinion! ANY IDEAS ON WHATS CAUSING THIS DIFFERENCE / CHARACTERISTICS? And are they bad characteristics or nothing too worry about too greatly!? They’re using a cfl set up, using five 225w output bulbs, 6500k etc. Bulbs are around 4-5inches away, temps around the tops of plants are averaging 26-27 degrees C. Two light fans gently aimed at lights and creating very small movement. Humidifier being used and humidity ranging from 68 highest too 48 lowest throughout the day etc. Any ideas? Set up by lukejj posted May 30, 2019 at 10:01 PM Set up by lukejj posted May 30, 2019 at 10:01 PM Both 1 (left) and 2 (right) by lukejj posted May 30, 2019 at 10:01 PM Plant 2 by lukejj posted May 30, 2019 at 10:01 PM Plant 2 by lukejj posted May 30, 2019 at 10:01 PM Plant 1 by lukejj posted May 30, 2019 at 10:01 PM Plant 1 by lukejj posted May 30, 2019 at 10:01 PM Both 1 (left) and 2 (right) by lukejj posted May 30, 2019 at 10:01 PM
No, I have no idea... but I do have a question; Is there a reason why the plants are in small containers?
They’re not too small for they’re size imo, will be transplanted to 5gal grow bags once roots fill out these pots. He says this helps save having to water/feed/flush huge pots the plants are not fully taking advantage of yet. What’s your opinion? ☺️
The droopy plant is showing sign of overwatering. The leaves are drooping because there is literally too much water in the leaves and therefor making the leaves heavier. Water less, and wait longer between waterings, making sure the top inch or two of the soil of dry. For the other plant that that is curled up like a taco; gauge the heat with your hands on top of the plant, and if it’s hot, it’s hot for your plant as well. It is showing signs of heat stress. Lower down the temps, or move the lights a few inches away and you’ll be fine. Good luck!