Need help from experienced growers

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by suspect, Apr 28, 2019.

  1. 1556404342759462884891265796089.jpg been 10+ years since ive done this...cant remember y the new growth is really light green compared to the rest of the plant...they look alot different under the LED light as opposed to what Im used to for veg(metal halide). One of the plants i have is of unknown origin(found in 20 sac) seems to have sativa not sure though. Using promix hp for medium, dutch nutrients for veg currently, ph nutrient mix to 6.5ish before temp hovers high 70s

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  2. Your plant looks fine.
    Good luck with your grow.
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  3. Might add that your lights could be a tad close. Got a little tacoing going on, not too bad tho
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Looks normal
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Yeah thats exactly what im talkin thinking leach my soil with ph corrected tap water because the runoff is a lil low...5.8-6.0...maybe bring it up to 6.8 then refeed.
    I just read that mag lockout can happen from chlorine so gonna have to do something about that for sure
  6. You dont need to leach your soil if no signs of nute look which i dont see any. Bring your ph up by ph your water at 7.0 next watering then check your run off. It may take a few waterings to see your run off ph come up and re adjust ph going in to what you get comming out. 2 things like Pistils posted above, new growth will be lighter green than the rest of the plant, and having a light to close will bleach the tops first turning them lighter color with leaves looking taco. If leaves not doing the taco look then lighter color is from new growth. If leaves are looking taco and tops lighter green then move light up a few inches.
  7. Soil runoff was under 6.0 so i leached until it was up to 6.5 with ph corrected tap water ppm @ 620 I have no clue whats goin on...probably something so simple im overlooking the one plant looks significantly worse really skinny claw like stressfull

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  8. When my centers are like that I move the light down about an inch and wait a few hours. Norm they get a little better as I slowly move them down to the right spot
  9. Personally I keep my ph lower in promix I feed at 6.0ph.

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  10. Y do you do this? I used to grow some decent sized crops back in the day...but lost everything when the police decided one day I was done growing weed and kicked my door in...all records...strains...notes...gone!
    Said fukit and stopped doin it...but since its legal here now in Canada...y not right?
    Starting from scratch still sux ass though!

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