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Need Help - Drug Test in 24 Hours

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by BleedingGreen, Jun 27, 2008.

  1. Hello, long time lurker, first time poster.

    Long story short, I got myself in to a bad situation and need to pass a drug test within 24 hours. I stopped smoking for a while, but started up a few weeks ago. I've been smoking once or twice a day for about 3 weeks. Is it possible to get clean in 24 hours for a urine test? I already stopped smoking and have begun drinking tons of water.
  2. NO sorry you would need atleast 2-3 days before the test with a detox system
  3. it it a home one or for a work drug test ya try and get some clean pee cause i dont think you can clean out your system in time
  4. 24 hours is really hard to get away from. Even using a detox drink like Ready clean you would need more time. But obviousely don't smoke, try a detox drink, cranberry pills, with 24 hours you should try anything.
  5. what kind of test is it? Who is testing you?

    Very important info to know before anyone can help you.
  6. LOL these posts arent sounding too good eh...

    honestly just follow the how to pass a drug test sticky thread...
  7. Ask if they can reschedule because you're too high to take the test.
  8. lmfao:D

    seriously mate, you've no chance, not in 24 hours.
  9. Formula 420. Get it.
  10. could you make up a lie like my car is broken ill do it in a day or 2? even though thats pretty suspicious

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