So I get payed on Thursday I have missed one day so I'm a little short and will only really have 100 dollars to spend, a few dollars over I don't mind, i would like a nice glass on glass piece with percs, I don't know anything about this type of glass so if you guys would maybe help me pick I would greatly appreciate it. I was looking at the black leaf beaker bottom single 3 arm perc or the double three arm perc.
Man theres tons of sites reliable to order into aus. You can order from this site even. 100 will get you a big step up from grommets and brass
Yeah but I just need to be careful with customs and I figure with a place shipping from within aus it will not be inspected as much.
I say you wait and save up another hundred bucks. Go down and look for a piece that has the thickest glass you can find (look at multiple shops) and still meets what you're looking for. It's best if the piece doesn't have a name brand sticker on it because you'll end up paying WAY too much for a piece. As far as brands go (with varying amounts you'd be paying) try Roor, Illadelph, Ph(x), or American Glass. All good brands that are reliable (especially the ones with thick glass!).
[quote name='"Dylanzs"']Yeah but I just need to be careful with customs and I figure with a place shipping from within aus it will not be inspected as much.[/quote] You don't need to worry about customs. There's no federal law prohibiting importing glass pipes. I've had packages opened and delivered with a inspection ticket from customs inside.