Hey guys I am looking to order my first ever bong. It does not have to have any percs or anything just has to be a high quality piece of glass. Also it must be under 100$ US shipped. Some options I was looking at were 500ml Ehles, the 38x4 SYN, and the HVY mini beaker. What are some other options I should consider? If I could get something 5mm or thicker that would be a huge plus.
$50 $75 14.5" $85 $85 9.5" $85 12" $93 $94 17" 7mm $97 15.5" $100 12" (5mm) $125 18" Ash-Catchers: $13 $18 $33 $37 $40
Syn is a good choice, as is HVY and Ehle. SSFG(SoulShineFamilyGlass) has a lot of good tubes for under $100, some of which are posted up there^ by FCFondler.
Anks for the help guys. Right now I am really liking the syn. Headyglass has a nice one right now for 85 dlvd.