Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by dholt102488, May 2, 2017.

  1. So I am a outdoor grower but I start inside. I started with one cheese and 3 Bubba lush now I only have one cheese and my last bubba just fell the fuck over and I'm losing it. When I left for work everything was fine when got home it was laying over idk what to do to save it please please please help me!!!! Thank you anything will help I just really want to save this cuz it's me last one!

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  2. Just keep em proped up and get them closer to the light for now.
  3. Marijuana is resilient''ll be good
  4. man I'm feeaking out cuz this is exactly what happens to my last one. How far from light it's just a 60w seems to be getting worse and worse.
  5. Needs way more light, that's why it's stretching.
  6. Everything about growing inside is dependent on lighting. You need to invest in a small CFL if all you're trying to do is start plants inside. They're cool, don't use a lot of electricity and will veg plants nicely. The key with starting clones or seedlings is to be sure and let them dry out between dead dry. You should be able to lift the container they're in and feel NO weight at all...light as a feather. If you feel any weight, you still have moisture in the soil in the container so put them down and go away. The second requirement is strong enough lighting and having it close enough to the plants. Yours are stretching because you do not have anywhere near enough wattage of light to bulk them up. The reason we can grow outside and reap pounds from a single plant is because you have the ultimate light source. But since man hasn't come up with anything remotely close, you really have to practice overkill when growing indoor if you want your plants to grow well. More light and keep light and plant as close as possible. If you keep good airflow around your plants at all times (which you should be doing), that will disperse the air and the plants can grow right up into a CFL without burn. They can burn from a CFL if you don't keep air moving around the plants. TWW

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