Need Epsom Salt Info.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by LilDize, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. I have Epsom Salt and was wanting to add it to my next watering and/or as a spray. I just need to know how much to add "per Gallon"? Also, is their any possible negative effects of using epsom salt?

    thanks GC and GROW ON!
  2. Epson Salt is magnesium sulfate. Magnesium is one of the essential elements that a the marijuana plant needs, along with copper, iron, potassium and ect. I use it currently to fix the ppm displacement in my water. I have hard water and try to collect as much rain water as possible but on days where i need to get it out of the tap, the calcium levels exceed 200ppm so its blocking the plants from getting magnesium so I add Epson Salt (1/4 teaspon per gallon) to fix this problem. It made an incredible difference and my plants are way way healthier now. If your ferts and your water is fine and your plants look like they arent magnesium deficient like mine were, i wouldn't do it. Adding more of one thing locks all the other minerals out and you could hurt your plants. Proceed with caution.
  3. thanks for the reply. hard to get one these days. anyways, i was looking around for info and saw a website that said to add an oz per 2 gals or something so i figured 1/2 per gal but that waaaay over exceeds what you just recommended. can anyone confirm marcog on amount per gal please?

  4. It is hard to get replies, but i think this is the only post that actually talks about the salts that i have ran upon so i jumped on it because i was curious to know if i was doing this correctly. I know my plants returned to normal and im stoked! but my guess for you is just like fertilizer, start with the least amount and work your way up.
  5. pretty much what i was aiming for. gave about 1 tsp per gal seein how that does and plan on increasing if no improvement. well if anyone else is lookin for info on the salt then this thread will be here for some discussion.

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