Need an experts opinion

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by marshal66999pak, Aug 24, 2012.

  1. i recently decided to grow some good quality marijuana for myself in islamabad -pakistan after becoming pretty much immune to the hash we get here. the relaxing high becomes more of a downer after a year of regularly smoking it. anyways, back to the point - the thing i cant seem to decide is whether to grow indoors or outdoors here. i have considerable resources for this project, an apartment at my disposal with multiple terraces, and no security concerns whatsoever. i have read debates on different forums on how people believe the climate to be unsuitable for the growth but there are some who say strains like afghan can withstand it. the only reason i delayed getting my equipment, for an indoor setup, is that if theres a slightest chance that these MJ plants make it outdoors i'd prefer that - as i can arrange for someone to look after it 24/7 . i'd appreciate if anyone of you can help me out :hello:
    Another thing i'd like to add is that i knew this guy i played poker with, and he used to bring some homegrown weed with him when he'd come to play. But that bud wasn't even remotely close to the strains i had been smoking in the UK. From what i recall, he grew it indoors. At this time, there is no commercially available weed in this region and i've been craving a blueberry cheese fatty ever since i got here :smoke:
  2. An outline of the weather in this region .
    Cold Weather Season – December to March
    Hot Weather Season – April to June
    Monsoon Season – July to September
    Post Monsoon Season – October and November

  3. Try both. That way if the outdoor doesn't work you still get some smoke :)

    It's hard to tell how particular regions will do. Weed will grow anywhere - but not always high producing.

    Try the outdoor forum for better advice on the outdoor bit.
  4. i've gotten my hands on some himalayan gold seeds and im setting up my little indoor aeroponic system as we speak.. i was hesitant at first since it would require alot of attention, but now i really wanna give it a shot. still waiting on a few items i had to order since some things, like the liquid fertilizer wasn't available . although i didn't have to go through ebay, a vendor right here can get me whatever i require . will post pics here and start a journal as soon as its ready :)

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