Need advice

Discussion in 'Greenhouses' started by Okanagankiller, Aug 29, 2018.

  1. So I have a bunch of potted outdoor ladies. Lately it's been getting quite cold and all the bottom leaves have turned a heavy purple and the stems are turning purple. That being said I made myself a greenhouse to pro long the season. Now to the question. Once they are stabilized in the greenhouse and they make a comeback will the purple leaves still be useful or should i clip them now? Also any ideas on humidity control? Intake/exhaust? And any tips on general greenhouse rules of thumb that I might not know about? Thanks guys!
  2. id leave them on untill they start to yellow. biggest issue in cooler areas in greenhouses is mold. lots of fans and some heat source in there at night will help some as the nights get colder. as your buds start to form, remove some of the interior and lower leaves to help with air flow. i have a double window fan blowing up near the ceiling and another 20in. ocilating fan on high rotating on all the plants. watch them closely as your buds near finish. cut out budrot as soon as you see it and sterilize your scissors with alcohol right away after cutting it out. i even spray the spot with a little alcohol to kill any spores you might have spread. if you heat at night, you may not have any issuses. good luck
  3. Ok sounds good it will be roughly 10x10 and ill have 2 12" osc fans and an osc heater. Ill design an intake on the bottom that i can button up at night as well as an exaust up above that will also be buttoned up at night. Ill have the heater set on a timer so it shuts off during the day to avoid over heating.
  4. sounds good! i have a 10' by 20' i got on amazon. got 6 girls in there now. started to bud last week. supposed to get in the upper 30's tonight so i may start to add heat soon. during the day, open that sucker up as much as you can to get the extra moisture out. button it up at dark. good luck!
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  5. Thanks for the reply. I'll post some pics later tonight
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  6. Pretty ghetto but it works

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  7. Also the pics are terrible. My plants aren't actually that colour or texture ...just a crappy camera lol
  8. The purple color/hues is just temp drop should be fine tho

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  9. got some nice girls there! ghetto setups are what works!
  10. Watch those frames, to much water and they collapse. I lost this girl because of that reason a couple years ago. Once it rains watch were the water collects in plastic and poke a small hole so the water can drain, preferably where it does not fall on your girls. Moose is correct about the humidity you have to keep it in check in a greenhouse big time. If you can put down a tarp to keep water from evaporating off the soil in the enclosure and then be careful to only water what is needed, the excess just ends up in your environment. Also water in the late morning so the heat from the day and stave off excess water evaporation, I would allow the fans to run full boar even if the temps drops slightly lower than I to circulate out the moist air during the day. The worst point is usually the transition to night, the greenhouse temps fall when they no longer are receiving light to heat them up and as the temp drops the air can hold less water and the humidity sky rockets. I usually override my temp controller on my main exhaust fan as night approaches and let it thoroughly vent out the water as the temp crashes once it is about even temp and humidity with the external environment I then turn up the heat and usually your humidity drops but some days when it is pouring outside it is hard to get it in a safe range. Extra air space helps also if you get a greenhouse too packed it traps the moisture in under the canopy and defoliating the large fan leaves mid flower can help some. Also make sure buds do not touch plastic, I found plastic bird netting can be very helpful in acheiving this by mouniting it a few inches off the plastic on the inside or even draping it over girls with some weight to pull them back. The later can be a bitch to remove come harvest so do not place it on early in flower you do not want the flowers to grow through it otherwise you are picking out the netting later on.



    1" bird netting along roof of greenhouse to prevent leaves from touching plastic

    From 3 years ago, I over filled the 16x16 greenhouse and lost about 3/4 of my flower once I could no longer control the humidity and the Bot set in.
    This would not work in a temporary greenhouse but having a wood fire fireplace really helped me to dry out the air but it came out with the price of having to reloaded it late at night. I would often go to sleep in a chair in there and would wake up when the temps started to drop, reload the stove at 1-2 am and then go in for the rest of the night. I was running some Sativas that did not finish until Dec and had not issue with mold and humidity doing this. Just remember to be careful playing with fire in a stick and plastic house could end not so well.
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  11. i use a electric ceramic type fan blown heater on a thermostat once the nights start to hit 40's. i button it up at sunset and open it back up at 8am. i have zippered doors i roll them all the way up so the wind can blow thru there all day. lost very little to bud rot last yr. but was nerve-wracking. i covered the ground in there w/ a large industrial tarp. i grow in soil so i only give the girls a gal. each day and they're fine w/ that.
  12. I'm pretty impressed with myself as I'm instinctively doing everything you recommended. I'm pretty impressed with amount of insight you have. I dont have a bottom because the ground below is eroded down to the clay so it doesn't hold a hell of a lot of moisture if anything it helps keep thing.
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  13. 20180901_124719.jpg

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  14. they're lookin' good ! ;)
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