Need a stealth grow box!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by jets420, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Hey everyone, I'm looking for someone that could build me a good pc style grow box for a reasonable price. It does not have to be a computer as i will probably need a little more space than that. Im looking to hold around two large plants in it. If you can or know any one that can help me out that would be great.

  2. #2 Chunk, Mar 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2012

    Since this is your first post, you should know that GC does not allow solicitation of this type. It is for the safety of all of our members.....hooking up for any reason is a security risk . I encourage you to ask our members to direct you to the information so that you can learn to build your own grow box.

    Our forums have ample information that can be accessed using the search function, and there are great mentors that can point you in the right direction. Normally I would delete this post but I want to give you a chance to get some help. If you want, you can edit your first post to ask for help and not contract someone to build you a box.

    Welcome to GC,


    EDIT: I encourage you to read the forum guidelines so you become better acquainted with our Terms of Use.

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