Need a little help

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Slow burn 313, May 1, 2016.

  1. #1 Slow burn 313, May 1, 2016
    Last edited: May 1, 2016
  2. Sounds alot!!! Did he not try LST so more or lighting for an even canopy? May save him on the electric bills( unless wired it up then dont matter lol) how many plants? X
  3. #3 Slow burn 313, May 1, 2016
    Last edited: May 1, 2016
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  4. Edit... i ment... more or less he as lighting on an even canopy... sorry..

    Also if they not burning plants and temps not too high then cant hurt. Just alot of lites getting sides on a tall plant that cud av been topped/fimmed/lst etc. But good luck hope av a happy grow love xxx
  5. Right that's what I said I believe he have no knowledge of topping correctly plus I think he have the mostly sativa in there

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  6. I can understand him using a lot of lites then love as i try and get every part plant covered in lite too but lst etc a bit better for canopy but then again 16plants to lst is a lot of work lol so he may av taken better option if he pushed for time xx
  7. No I don't believe he's pushed for time just because its just some MED's for him and his girlfriend

    Sent from my Z828 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  8. Yes then love . If he doesnt no how to lst or top and sativa at least he making most of his plant then.. next time though get him to av a look at topping etc.. brilliant on sativa to control hight etc. If he learns to Lst etc he could go from 16 to max 10 plants and proberbley get same yeild or more. Its worth lookin into for next time love... tell him gud luck love and i think there are lots of forums on ere to to learn Lst topping fimming etc xxx
  9. I'll tell you this he don't have nugs and from what he Tell's me he's 41 days into flowering

    Sent from my Z828 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  10. If not push for time lst will be a good route love to go down definatley x

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