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Need a little help on a pickle i got myself into.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Theinsainepops, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. Soo im sick because all this bad weather and all. I got a badly stuffed nose and couch. I just got high and my dad forced me to take mucinex dm. Ive read before that it can mess you up? Is tha true? Will i be ok?Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  2. You'll be fine.
  3. Well you'll be fine but cough medicine in general contains chemicals that aren't good. If you really want to recover drink ginger/green tea.
  4. Badly stuffed couch?
  5. The shit ain't comfy

    Sent from Melmac...
  6. you're fine dude.
  7. You will wake up a small baby lemur but morph back into human form within a week or two
  8. ^That was the best week of my life
  9. Haha alright thanksSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  10. Man I drink NyQuil and smoke. Dm works really well with weed though.
  11. [quote name="Theinsainepops" post="19348617" timestamp="1389836543"]Soo im sick because all this bad weather and all. I got a badly stuffed nose and couch. I just got high and my dad forced me to take mucinex dm. Ive read before that it can mess you up? Is tha true? Will i be ok?Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum[/quote]Youll be fine, but dont use mucinex dm, but use robotusiien cough syrup, with only dxm as the active ingredient. Drink 2 ounces and you'll be feeling good. That whole paragraph i just wrote is a lie do not attempt this, do not look or do it. Considered a fool because i dropped outta highschool. [...] No need to worry my occupant handles dat! [...] I went from negative to positve!Name the song,!

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