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Need a few opinions

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TheGymTeachers, Jan 20, 2011.

  1. I live with my parents, and would like to start growing in my house. I could probably get away with it, but I'd feel much better if I got "permission" from my parents. My aunt let my cousin grow in her house, and my uncle grew a couple plants with his tomatoes. My parents know I smoke weed and aren't all against it. I'm thinking about bringing it up like this, " Mom, what would you think about me getting a new hobby?"
  2. i wouldnt recomend it without her permission , cause your parents can get in ALOT of trouble if theres a weed plant in thier house
  3. a chill situation, sit down and have a talk with them, tell them how it will help financially
  4. I would ask permission, but as i ask i would also inform her if EXACTLY what you plan on doing (the size of your grow), and all the pro's of it. (much less expensive, don't have to deal with shady people, ensured to get bud free of chemicals or other shit you don't want in it).

  5. that they said ^^ :D
  6. Yeah, I was thinking about mentioning how much money it would save me. It would all be completely discreet.
  7. i think i am going to try something similar to this if its cool with the King and Queen
  8. you'd have to come way stronger than that. it can't be something you feel like doing for the hell of it. you have to feel it in your loins. IL is bogus about laws, in some cases homes can be seized for that type of thing. for every argument they bring, you have to come right back right away with a logical, well thought out dispute.
  9. Shit just do it the way you think will work the best, you know them best. If you think asking them will work do it up.
  10. To tired to read all the way and see if anyone said this but; Tell them if you grow mary that you 1)Don't have to deal with dealer 2) Know where you weeds come from and it isn't laced (a lot of parents think drugs are always laced lol) 3) you save a lot of money and it's a good hobby

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