Nebraska ...heaven on earth?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by bombdiggity, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. So my buddy who works all over the place comes back and shows me this video. It's acres and acres of wild growing pot, it was beautiful, the stalks were talling than him. What i need to know is when will this pot be ready to pick because i plan to schedule my vacation time around it.
  2. proablaby about 1 1/2 to 2 months
  3. Hmmm...

    I'd make sure they werent hemp(no THC production) plants. Heres hopin for the best :)
  4. load us up some pics man
  5. yeah if its tall and skinny then it is for industreal hemp. it has less then 1% thc in it i think. so you might not want to get it. and with a lot of plants the buds will be fucking filled with seeds. just grow your own

    however mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm cannabutter
  6. hey bud, im in NW Iowa, and its just wild shit your thinking about. At all our farms its just tall ass plants with what looks like buds is just buds filled with literally thousands of seeds i dont think ull wanna smoke it imho. Later
  7. I live in NE (omaha) pot grows wild around here like mad, its all ditch-weed tho less then 1% THC so have fun harvesting your headache
  8. Probably ditch weed, good for making rope and fuck all else.
  9. Whats you really think REAL MJ would just be growing out in the open?
  10. theres some in corn fields and in peoples yards were i liveand i smoked some of the leaves and they had enough thc to get me blowwwwwwwwwwwwwn....and the ones in the corn fields are tallllllllll and phat ...definatly weed....

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