Near death experience??

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by NIXXXON, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. #1 NIXXXON, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    Before I get started, just let me say that I have tryed/used many drugs in my life, almost all to be honest. I’ve been smoking marijuana for over 17 years, AND I HAVE NEVER HAD SUCH AN EXPERIENCE IN MY LIFE

    I had moved far from home and lived in an area where marijuana wasn’t as easy to find like it was at home. A local headshop had introduced me to it and everything seemed fine at first. Then came the scariest night of my life!! After only two hits I went to lay down and watch some TV. After a few minutes I noticed my heart beating extremely fast, I had to focus on breathing, as if I had to force myself to breathe. I started sweating bullets, although I was ice cold. Then I started to shake from head to toe. Then it got much much worse.

    The back of my head was in extreme pain, it felt as if my brain was swelling and was about to explode. I began to experience tunnel vision. Then I started to lose my vision all together. Seconds later I began to lose my hearing.

    I was home all alone, with no phone, and I thought this was it. This is what it feels like to die. I was convinced I was dying. I grabbed my girlfriends engagement ring (I was in the process of proposing to her) and tryed to get as comfortable as possible.
    I layed back down in our bed and I was sure this is how she would find me the following morning,... dead. with the ring in hand.

    Lucky for me I'm still here, but I did ask for her hand in marriage the next morning. I have never looked at life the same since.

    To this day I still get that uncomfortable feeling in the back of my head from time to time, and it scares the shit out of me. The long term affects are unknown and Im afraid I might learn the hard way.

    Just wanted to share :wave:
  2. strange. get that checked out brodie.

    intense pain inside head=no good.
  3. Crazy shit man.. you think it was laced or you had a panic attack for some reason? Well lets hope this experience is going to make you live life to its fullest.
  4. Thats pretty crazy man, I honestly have no clue as to what would cause that. Congratulations on proposing though, 1 big step in life. :)
  5. What the fuck did you smoke? Did you specify? Salvia extracts? JWH compounds? DMT? 5-MeODMT? Don't just take random molecules

    edit PCP? PMA? 4AcODiPT? I could keep going but for what reason?
  6. The first time I tried a prescription painkiller(not going to name any names) I overdid it by quite a few and had to fight to stay awake and breathing :( Needless to say I do my research now.
  7. erowid is everybodys best friend, whether they know it or not
  8. oh definitely, i was quite naive when this happened. very grateful now though
  9. There was a guy who posted up a similar story, exact same thing happened to him.
    His vision went first, he became blind and then his hearing faded as well...Idk its fucked.

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