NBC's Late Night Marijuana Debate 5-17

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by LemonYumYum, May 18, 2010.

  1. I think the only people who could come up with a valid argument against legalizing are the people who want it legalized.

    No one else knows anything about MJ. Everyone who has spent the time to learn actual facts about MJ realize it should be legal.

  2. ^This is so true. Most people who don't smoke just say it should be illegal cause they don't know the facts. They just have a skewed biased opinion. If they took 10 min to look at or read anything related about the history they would understand.

    Sad thing what our government has done to a plant that does nothing but give.
  3. In the last video at 3:21, it appears that someone in the studio laughs when Brian states that he believes the bill won't pass in California.

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