Natural Healthy diet to gain weight?

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by INTP, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. Hey everyone, i have tried to look around without much luck, when it comes to nutrition, diet and fitness, i am terrible. It has just never phased me, but now i am coming to realise that i need to do something about it.

    I am about 185cm 70kg (sorry imperials) so yeah i am very slim and want to gain fat and muscle.

    I try to eat healthy when i can, but i just wanted to hear what you do to maintain a healthy lifestyle. So could anyone interested in posting please tell me what they think is a good;

    - Daily diet plan
    - Daily vitamins intake (natural)
    - Workout routine

    I know i am being lazy and not putting in the time to research this myself but i will really appreciate any insight, Thankyou.
  2. find out from your dr about appetite inducing vitamins
    some people are naturally slim. love yourself :)
  3. Daily diet should be three meals a day. If you want to gain muscle, keep it portioned with protein, carbs, and healthy fat. Start off with four meals a day, then gradually add if you feel as if you're not gaining muscle. You don't want to add a shitload of calories all at once, since your body will store that as fat. If you're starting off/new, you can dirty bulk, it'll still be effective. However, if you really want, you can still eat three meals a day, and drink a gallon of milk a day. I heard success stories from that as well.

    Your daily vitamins... as long as you're eating health, you shouldn't need vitamins. However, there will be days you'll miss it. You can't go wrong with a multivitamin and fish oil though. I also take b-propolis to help with my immune system. Whey protein would be a good idea as well, but I wouldn't suggest any other, until you become an intermediate lifter.

    Your workout routine should focus around major compound lifts (deadlifts, squats, bench, overhead press, bench press, power cleans/rows, and chin/pull-ups are usually the popular, with variations). With that being said, Starting Strength by Mark Ripptoe is one of the best beginner programs for adding on muscle to newbie lifters. It focuses around those compound lifts, and you lift 3 days a week. You can look up the template online, since I'm too lazy to memorize it, but I've seen people get good success with that.
  4. Thanks a lot for the info guys :) I do love myself in a non egotistic way but anxiety is a real bitch.
  5. Calculate how many calories your body needs per day to maintain your current weight. Add 500 calories on top of that. You will gave 3,500 calories a week, or 4 pounds a month. Don't eat more than that, because then it will get stored as fat instead of muscle.

    If you eat a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, meats, etc.. then you don't really need vitamins. Try to eat 1g of protein per 1lb of body weight while you're bulking muscle. You may want protein or creatine to help you gain muscle faster, multi-vitamins will supplement anything in your diet that's missing.

    You probably aren't a gym member already. So at home, start with push ups, sit ups, and calf raises. You should do three sets of your maximum amount of push ups two or three times a week, with a day of rest inbetween. You should do the same for sit ups too, and probably just 5 sets of 12 calf raises to start off, you can weight yourself down more later to counteract your muscle after it's more developed.

    When you do get to the gym, deadlift, squats, bench press, etc. are the most important exercises. Deadlifting and squatting will work your quadriceps, calves, abs, and more. Benching will work your pecs and triceps. If you don't get to the gym, you can buy a bench and weights from Walmart for cheap. There is a kit on their website with a bench, leg curler extension, 45lb bar, and 100lbs of weights for only $75.

    You need to make sure to keep motivation too. Keep a food log. Right down what you eat every day, the total amount of calories and protein, etc.. to make sure you are eating enough. You should eat high calories, high protein and high carbs. You could burn off your fat after you bulk maybe 20lbs or so.
  6. Ffs don't recommend power cleans to a beginner. Form has to be perfect; a beginner, without a trainer who knows what their doing, will injure themself.

    Op, if you do gomad be sure to drink whole milk. Starting strength is a very good program. I recommend all beginner lifters to start with it.
  7. This questions been asked quite a lot on this forum and Im just going to post the same guide as I did on all the rest of them:

    Firstly to gain weight, the single most important thing- above anything else- is nutrion. You should have a calorific surplus- that means that you have to eat more than your what you burn in a day. There are loads of good free websites that you can work this out on. Also if you do a workout out add about 300 cals if its short and 500 cals if its long. You should aim to eat about 500 calories extra a day- however if you do not mind you can always add on a little extra.

    Then there are the macronutrients- these are your carbohydrates, protein and fats. If you wish to bulk (gain weight) than you should eat around 40% carb, 30% protein and 30% fat. When you are looking to split this up to work out the actual grams you need of each macro, there are 4 calories per gram of carbs or protein and 9 cals in a gram of fat. This means that you actually need to eat a lot less fat in terms of grams than the other two macros. Of course you should play around with this to make it work for you they are just general guidelines. In addition. In addition it is a fucking pain in the ass to work this out and then keep by it and if you dont try and keep it within these general guidelines. Having said this, eating in a strict regime such as this will help to maximise lean muscle gains- you will have the benefit of gaining more weight, looking good, and feeling healthy. Micronutrients are less important (although still important for the full time professional bodybuilders) so dont worry about these yet.

    Now to talk about the carbs in detail. There are two types of carbs that you need to worry about- complex carbs and simple carbs (sugary ones). On the whole complex carbs are a lot lot better. This includes many foods but the best way to eat them is to swap any white food for its brown alternative- white bread to brown bread, rice to brown rice and so on and so forth. Other ways are to eat foods such as beans. Beans are a great source of protein believe it or not and of good carbs so eat a lot of them. The complex carbs break down slowly and are therefore a good way to keep your muscles and your ability to recover in good stead over a long period of time. However just after a workout things change. Now you want to eat simple carbs- you want a short burst of energy to boost your recovery. A good way to get these in without compromising any of the other macros is to eat some oranges or clementines- these have simple carbs but are also very healthy. Carbs in general give your muscles energy to lift and to recover so I think that we can all agree that they are vital.

    Protein. This one is quite simple and one that most people know about- focus on eating lots of it. Ill come on to supplements later but you may want to consider adding a shake or bars into your diet but dont be scared by it and they are not vital like some people would make your believe. There are different kinds of proteins and ill go into a little more detail later, but eating cassein protein which is found in milk and cottage cheese (not the only two, but the best two) before bed is great because it breaks down much slower- it will feed your muscles for much of the night. However again, this will help maximise gains but many people do not do it and do not believe anyone that says you will not make gains or that you actually lose muscle if you do not do this. Protein actually composes a lot of your muscle- just like you can not build a building without the appropriate materials such as metal, your muscles canot be built without appropriate nutrion.

    On a side note- muscle is also made out of water and therefore try and drink about a gallon a day (probably not actually a huge difference in the amount you already drink just drink another glass when you get thirsty). Keeping hydrated is important

    Fat. Not all fats where born equally. Saturated fats are not good (but you still need to eat some of them) and unsaturated fats are good. There is more- but you dont really need to worry about it- just do not listen to anyone that tells you to eat as little fat as possible- this is simply wrong.

    You should aim to eat every 2-3 hours- that comes to around 6/7 meals a day (no less than six!). This keeps your body in an anabolic state- this is the state when your body builds muscle. Chicken, especially the breasts, are brilliant- they are cheap and you can cook them in loads of different ways. Beef is also awesome. Eggs are very interesting and many people think that these are the best protein you can get- the egg whites are almost all protein and the egg yolks are almost all fat. Because of this it is good if you take some of them out- I make scrambled eggs with 3 whole eggs and then 2 or 3 egg whites. There is still some fat as is important but not as much as protein. Natural peanut butter is also very good (look at the peanut butter on - it is tasty and very good nutritionally unlike a lot of other peanut butter). These are good suggestions however you can eat lots of things as long as they fit in with what I have said before this- the macro split of 40/30/30 and the which type of each macro you should try to avoid.

    You are allowed and actually should schedule cheat days- these are days when you do not look at your macros and cals so much and you can eat your favourite foods. You should schedule when they will be (I have one a month) and what your are going to eat. Remember though they are not days when you can eat anything and not feel guilty- they are days when you can eat what your really crave not what you sort of want. Cheat days help you resist the temptation of over eating unhealthy foods because you know when your will be able to eat the foods you are craving next and also keeps us mere mortals sane.

    Before I talk about working out I will also mention some supplements. These are not essential. However if you are looking to gain mass they certainly will help. Firstly I would recommend Whey Protein- this is the undisputed best protein out there. It is sold by many companies in many different ways and many of which are confusing. My favourite is Optimum gold standard 100% whey protein however this is expensive so if you are looking for a more budget option true whey or impact whey isolate by is also good. Having said this you can buy cassein protein and you should drink this just before bed (ive already talked about this). Another supplement is for weight gain and are called weight gainers (who could have guessed?). Again there are a huge number of different types but I would go for Optimum pro complex gainer or Optimum serious mass. There are certainly other good ones out there but I do not know that much about them. There are lots of other supplements- but I'm sure as you are not looking to spend all your money on them I will stop there.

    So far I have only really talked about nutrition and this is where the real battle is for me. Once you get into a gym routine (which does not take very long) and know what you are doing (also doesnt take very long) it is hard to keep eating healthy food. However it is very important to destroy the muscle fibers in order that they grow- this is what you do in the gym. In my opinion if it works the muscle and your muscles are sore the next morning you have done a good job but here are some tips.

    If you are looking to work out around three times a week- space them out evenly and do a full body workout. Your workouts should be around and hour- its ok to have them a little shorter and a little longer. By workout I mean lifting weights- if you do cardio its ok to go longer. This is because after an hour of high weight low/medium reps which is what you should be doing for gains- your body starts to stop producing testosterone which helps to build muscle. This is not long term and wont completely stop your gains- but try to avoid it.

    If your are looking to workout a little more- four times a week then you should split it up into different muscle groups. This really should be when you start to stop being able to work out three times a week because your muscles need more time to recover. Splitting them up means that you work them out harder and give them more time to recover (time which may not be necessary when in the beginner phase). There are lots of ways to do this however I would recommend:
    Chest and triceps
    Back and Biceps
    Shoulders and abs
    Legs (calves and thighs)

    Abs you can work out a little more than once a week as they recover quickly however just make sure your workouts are not too long. This idea stems from the push pull idea (look it up for more details but this is basically that some of your muscles (shoulders, chest and triceps) are used for pushing and others for pulling (back and biceps) and then you have other muscles that you do not need to divide like this such as legs and abs. Always do the larger group first otherwise you will not be able to do them as you smaller muscles will be too tired to lift).

    Compound lifts are very good for gaining mass- these include chest presses, squats and deadlifts.

    Cardio. It will help you get fitter however it may hinder the building of muscle. It burns a huge amount of calories and these calories need to be added on to your diet if you want to maintain that calorie surplus. It is also hard to estimate that amount of cals that cardio burns. In addition to this (im not going to go into the crazy details) but cardio produces certain chemicals that counteract with those that help to build muscle. It is still possible to build muscle with cardio but it will be harder. The best way to do cardio if you want to is high intensity training like interval training. Therefore due to your body type and the fact that you are already finding it difficult to fit in all your food- I would keep it to a minimal.

    You may be very bored of reading this now but im almost done:

    This is a lifestyle choice- it is hard to make serious gains- especially if you want to keep the fat down. It may seem like a lot to process and at first it may seem like its taking over. However it does not need to take over you life, once you are in a routine it becomes a lot lot easier and you learn to structure it around your existing life. Just make sure you are going to the gym regularly, working hard there, and eating (and sleeping) right.

    People have paid me for my opinion before, however this is a place of weed smokers- of love and brothership, not profit.

    Good luck- keep building and keep blazing!
  8. Eat 3 meals a day, at least. And drink like two protein shakes throughout the day.

    Meats: Chicken breast, turkey (breast or ground up), fish and steaks.

    Veggies and fruits: All. Especially sweet potatoes.

    Breakfast: Eggs. You could do 1 whole egg and two egg whites and turkey breakfast sausage (jennie-o is a good brand). Oatmeal.

    Rice: rice is really good for gaining weight healthily. You can eat brown or white rice.

    And you need to get on a workout plan.
  9. The op wants natural. Most protein drinks aren't natural.

    I wont.comment on weather or not they are "healthy"

    Some.people say milk and soy are bad period. I don't buy that. The science is still out on the matter
  10. Soy raises estrogen levels and most dudes dont want man tits.

  11. Dairy and soy are in kind of a grey area, depending on the form.

    For example, pasteurized homogenized skim milk is hardly healthy, while raw, full fat, fermented dairy (such as kefir or yoghurt) are, contrary to popular belief, actually quite beneficial to health.

    Soy, on the other hand: soybean oil or just straight up soybeans? Hell no, stay away. Miso or tempeh (fermented soy products)? Sure, a bit here and there never hurt anyone.
  12. I have heard that. For me its irrelevent since I'm.allergic lol
  13. Eat Avocados. Seriously, try one day. Each one packs about 300 calories, and they wont make you fat becuase the fats in them are the "good" fats. Im currently eating 3 a day. Expensive ($12 a week), but im making ALLLL KINDZZZZ OF GAINZZZZ
  14. 21 avocadoes for $12 is cheap as fuck. I'm lucky to get them for $1 each if theyre on sale

  15. Alpha brain makes hemp protein now. So op could get that. The protein shakes are just so the op doesn't have to eat huge meals or a lot of meals throughout the day.
  16. Hemp protein (assuming you mean powder) is still not "natural"... Op is trying to gain weight, abd to gain weight you need to EAT! This does not mean you can have a protein shake instead of a meal, unless you add extra ingredients to make it more of a complete meal. Protein alone isn't going to make you gain weight.

    Isnt alpha brain that shit that joe rogan endorses
  17. Thanks for the info guys i really appreciate this!

  18. Where i live in California theyre like 80c, on sale they can go as low as 48c, but yea 1 dollar each is a ripoff haha :smoking: but if you can afford it go ahead

  19. Yeah, people are naturally slim it's called being Ectomorphic but that DOES NOT mean your doomed to look like a walking skeleton for the rest of your life.

    Eat eat eat eat! Eat like your life depends on it. Eat like you don't know where your next meal is gonna come from. Eat like all you have in this life is gym and food. Eat like everyday is the last day on earth.

    Lift them weights of course but most of all, EAT!

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