just was diagnosed with this. guess what the treatment is?? STIMULANTS!!!!! woo hoo bring on the addies !!!!!! anyone else have this?
Why would you want to treat narcolepsy, you could then explore your dreams for more extended periods of time.
oh my god it is awful. i fall asleep at work on my desk. it is not a good thing lol fall asleep on here, watching a movie, it is miserable actually cant wait to start a script. one more sleep study and i am on my way thanks for your replies!!
Haha, treating narcolepsy with stimulants, whod've thought it eh? Nah but seriously, have fun with whatever ya get, just don't go TOO crazy
So with narcolepsy you just randomly fall asleep? Sorry, my misunderstanding, that must be terrible, good luck and don't abuse the addys!
wow! i've never known anyone diagnosed with that disorder. must suck. but you got something out of it. haha -- i did watch this one video of this cute little dachshund puppy that was walking on a leash that had narcolepsy and it just fell asleep when walking. it was pretty cute.