[video]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7Bqob-weFk[/video] [video]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUU1AOQNbko[/video] This dumb heiffer think she can just say whatever. Little does she know that Liberals only value free speech when it works for their side, but Nancy's words are clearly not.
So funny that her ending statement was one of the most illogical statements she made. Really made the whole thing seem like a joke. "You seem to be offering me a life where I have to choose between drinking booze, or smoking cigarettes, or high on pot. And you know what? I really think there's a different way to live." So she's saying legalizing weed would be essentially FORCING her to choose between drinking, smoking, or weed. When alcohol was legalized were people FORCED to partake in drinking it? Absolutely not..so why would legalizing weed be any different? So in Nancy Grace's pea-sized mind, freedom to smoke weed means everyone is forced to smoke weed.
That seems to be the same argument surrounding legalization of gay marriage. "Oh, well if we legalize it, they will try to make EVERYONE GAY!"
Probably 9 out of 10 people where I'm from are against gay marriage lol..a simple fact of life is that most people are not capable of thinking for themselves. They only believe and repeat what they have been told, so the cycle continues
noooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!i dont want to be forced too be gay i want to be gay naturally...if that is even possible..
You shouldn't smoke weed if you cannot maintain a normal lifestyle with it... that being said you have to be a complete idiot to let it conflict so much with your life.
So.... "People on pot that shoot each other, that stab each other, strangle each other, drive under the influence, kill families...wipe out a whole family." Sounds like too much work while high. Except for driving under the influence, I enjoy that personally. Especially the time I ran over Nancy Grace's trash cans. They were full of douchebags.