My younger brother...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Bedside Python, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. Hey guys,
    So recently I had a pretty long phone call with my younger brother. It was mostly him ranting about how much he hates life at home and wants to move out, which got me thinking. I can completely empathize with him because, hey I had to deal with my psycho bitch mom when I was younger too. She would barge into my room at odd hours (I've always slept naked so it was awkward as fuck) and demand explanations for what I was doing and this is why I moved out. She also would manipulate other people to get what she wanted as well as having absolutely zero regards for privacy (lucky I wank with the covers on) and worst of all, she was a religious fanatic who tried to force me to worship a god I didn't believe existed. So this brings me to the question, what are your parents like? and what do you think my little bro should do? (i'm not letting him move out seeing as he's 14 but ya know?)

  2. #2 Funk-D, Feb 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2014
    Sounds like a more extreme version of my mom. Nothing your brother can do, but tough it out until he can move out like you did. 
  3. There is nothing he can legally do unless he is being physically abused. But look on the bright side. He has a roof over his head, he is fed, and has clothes on his back, right? Can't be all that bad.
  4. Want to try to get your "psycho mom" to think about cannabis differently? Read these- I am sure you will get some interesting talking points from them-
    The Great Keneh Bosem Debate - Part 1         (article – 2009)
    Part 2 of the Great Keneh Bosem Debate:   (article – 2009)
    Jesus Healed Using Cannabis     (news - 2003)
    Comment on "Did Jesus use cannabis?"            (forum post – 2011)
    You might even pass them along to your baby brother to use! :devious:
  5. Tell him to get a Bible memorize passages and start telling her about changing her life and shit, and how she's a sinner and how concerned he is for her soul. Tell him to do that for the next four years and then bail after he has driven her batshit crazy.....
  6. #6 Bedside Python, Feb 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2014
    Thanks for the references Grannie, but my mom is stubborn and set in her ways. I don't need to convince her any more simply because I left after I had enough of her bullshit, but the crazy Jesus idea sounds fun. I guess I just feel sorry for my little bro...
  7. If my mom isn't in control, she freaks. I'm almost 20 and have no relationships with anyone outside this house. I cant ever hangout with anyone. No girlfriend. Have a few potentials but mom wont let me anywhere near a girl lol. Slightest red eye, I get jumped. Fingers smelled. Breath check. Etc..
    I really am looking for a way out. I have no job, cant find one. Everyone of authoritive figure has told my mom how bizarre and irrational her behavior is. She says she doesn't care.

    Sucks bad.
  8. Dude... you're 20. Fuck that shit.
  9. I know man. But I pay no bills. Due to above circumstances, I have no friends to just say 'fuck you mom I'm leaving" and go live with them. I have no money. No resources. I'm really in a bad spot. No one will hire me. Don't know what to do. I'm legit depressed.
    I live to wake up and go to sleep. Actively watching life pass me by.
  10. #10 PassB5, Feb 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2014
    Just make getting a job as your top priority. Once that happens all will likely fall into place. Make a nice resume. Go in and talk to the manager, dress well, show up more than once to speak to the manager. I'm not sure where you live and how the job market is, but I've not been unemployed for more than a month since I was 17 following this, hirers love someone who shows that kind of initiative.
    Edit: Sorry if you've heard all this before but it really is true.
  11. Unfortunately, I got a DUI at university back on halloween of 2012, and license was suspended for a year. I'm still 600 bucks shy of having my license, and taxis, trains, public transportation, etc.. is unheard of around here. I'm in a very bad spot. No one seems to want to help me. I created this bed, I know. But its hard to get back on my feet. Ive paid thousands and thousands of dollars to the system. The courts don't care about fixing the underlying problems. They just want every dollar they can get out of you.
    I have a girl I can move in with, but its not very manly or responsible to do so without income even though shes okay with it.
    I don't know what to do. The highlights of my tiny town is a Mcdonalds, Hardees, and Burger King. Burned all my bridges really. I used to could walk in anywhere I wanted and leave with a job. Now ive had two jobs in the past two years for less than three months at each job.
  12. On one hand, I've got my mom who is extremely religious. She makes us go to church every Sunday, go to other church activities etc. Then we have my dad, he goes to church, not because he wants to, but because he wants to keep her happy. She is completely against everything, hasn't had a drink in her life, never smoked, she hasn't done anything like that. My dad used to drink, so he's the only one mom will listen to about that kind of stuff. He's completely against smoking too, but he didn't make a big deal about it when I got caught, just said "he can make his own dumbass mistakes." And I left with a grounding. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that my mom and dad come to a relatively neural agreement on everything. My parents are pretty cool, for the most part

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  13. Owch, let him know that he does have a little power over her, remind her that if they don't get along when he moves out he won't see her again. If she cares that'll straighten her out also talking to your dad and mom about possibly going easier on him may help, but hey I don't know your parents.

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