My walk through the darkness.

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Durchii, Nov 5, 2006.

  1. When walking, one is reminded of the buddhist philosophy regarding the past, present and future.
    You find yourself lost amidst a very dark and deserted road, your destination uncertain and your departure

    forgotten.. Creating that which you step upon. The ground is thankful to you, for it lets you walk upon it with

    trodden feet. Look down upon the road.. For this is the present. All that which is now. Do not attempt to savor

    the moment, it is already gone. You hear a noise and look behind you.. But why? You fear that which is two seconds

    behind you.. In the past! Your past is behind you, and you keep on walking as you readjust your head to a much

    more comfortable position. You look ahead, there is quite a large puddle confronting you.. Less than 10 yards

    away... This is your future.. 10 yards and closing.. 5.. 4.. 3.. Do you stop and affect the future? Do you turn

    around and confront the sound that is now two minutes behind you? You have a decision to make now. You're in a

    dilemma just standing here! What are you doing? Panic! Chaos! MOVE! What to do! YOur world closes in around you as

    you look towards the ground. Dear god, man, you're putting too much emphasis on the present! The present is now

    halted, you can never progress towards your future living forever in the present! Ah! This must be terrible for

    this poor road! Your weight bears down upon it. You leap aside and that point in the road becomes your past.. You

    then realise you are surrounded by time.. Everywhere you go, time is inside, around and ahead of you..

    Claustrophobia ensues.. Nothing can save you from time and this grim realisation that you are sure will haunt your

    dreams forever. You collapse onto the pavement.. Your head whips around in all different directions. Is that

    puddle growing larger? Is that sound getting louder? Is the ground collapsing upon your very weight?.. You're

    destroying the fabrication of time here, surely something must be happening! Too much is happening, even!! Fear

    comes swiftly and without remorse. Your eyelids collapse upon themselves and darkness engulfs your vision!... Good

    god, you're blind!. Wait.. This is relaxing.. Something feels different, albeit oddly familiar. No time collapsing

    upon itself, no puddles, no sporadic noises.. You can barely feel the road beneath you. Just the comforting

    darkness, carressing you with the pure lack of.. everything. You forget that which is time, you become time.. and

    you STOP. Nothing affects you and you curl into your own ball of comfort that would soothe the soul of the

    condemned man.

    You open your eyes and find you are walking, lost amidst a dark and deserted road, your destination uncertain..

    and your departure forgotten.​

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