My Wal-Mart Aero Cloner

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by NdicaBud, May 14, 2002.

  1. Thought I share this with the city....everything that is here can be bought at the local Wal-Mart,except for the hose,that can be obtained at a farm supply,fleet farm,co-op as milk hose,,,or can be found at hydro supply..

    1 container(reservoir) with lid like the one in pic,,this one is painted,,the one on the shelf is foggy/clear,,comes in 2 sizes tall,and short,,,remember the's the only containers with it.

    1 shoebox container like in pic,or one that fits into the reservoir container.
    1 stick on thermometer
    1 dual outlet air pump
    1 package clear airline
    3 short bubblestrips
    1 fishtank heater
    1 5 port 3 valve splitter
    1 tube silicone aquarium adhesive of high quality
    2 feet of 1/2or5/8 inch clear line/tubing
    1 scrap piece of 1/2 inch electrical conduit,or copper tubing
    An xacto knife,phillips screwdriver the same size as airline

    And several buds of good herb


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  2. [​IMG]

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  3. This one is a 12",, 10" will do,,,you want the element closer to the bottom of container..


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  4. You will need a valve like this to feed three bubblestrips,,the ports on the sides are air-pump input,,at the valves,of course output to strips..A mounting hole was punched with a heated phillips screwdriver,and a bolt with a neoprene washers to seal.


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  5. Sand both the mounting spots in the tub,and the pads of the bubblestrips to allow the adhesive to grab,apply the adhesive,,then set each into place,allow adhesive to set,paint the outside with a quality paint,,I used HardHat paint(epoxy),then set container out of the way for a couple days.


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  6. take the container and cut the bottom off along its moldline,you will only be using the top portion..the lid will be snapped on,and it will then rest in the reservoir.


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  7. Take the conduit/copper pipe,,heat the end (wear gloves)then twist/press to punch clean holes in the lid,,,these holes will hold the large tubing in place.And the heater,,the heater hole may have to be trimmed to accept the heater..

    When finished,,cut hose into 1 1/4-1 1/2 inch pieces to fill holes you have slit down one side of the hose one end to the other,,this will allow you to remove rooted clone,by separating at the split,without damaging roots,instead of pulling it through the tubing. Press each piece of tubing into a hole in the lid with about 1/2 inch or so showing on underside.


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  8. When the reservoir is dry,,,heat up the end of a phillips screwdriver about the size of the airline,and punch 3 holes,,push the line through and attach to each bubblestrip,and to each valve output.


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  9. Another view..

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  10. Run a line from each port of the pump to each input port on the valve,,you will get full pump pressure,and you can adjust each valve independently for even bubble distribution...


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  11. Fill with distilled water,your choice of stimulator,snap the lid onto the cutoff top,,set into reservoir,,slide heater down into hole as shown in pic 1,plug it all in,under the flouro's,set your clones in resting tubes,,14 days or less......roots.

    Portability...all that is here will fit into the empty reservoir,snap on the lid with that fancy handle onto the reservoir....there ya go......


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  12. I've done the same thing years ago,,before it became common is a new one...used several times already,,first try(rusty so good,,second try 12 out of 12 rooted. I put this together for the hydro/bubblers I have built for myself and friends,,that way they had a full fair

  13. High Ndicabud

    Very nice work..I use the same concept, except I use the black drip irrigation hose..You can find it at most Hardware stores...Useing clear can sometimes create you a fungus problem..Just thought I would put in my 2 bits worth...:D:D:D
  14. man,,,,,that is alot of shit to have to buy to gow bud!!!!!!

  15. Well have to spend a little get a lot of bud...

  16. Very cool,

    How long before they root?
  17. Man this thread ended in 2002.. your a few years off... haha no worries:D And welcome to GC!!

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