I had a thread about my collection with pics and about 12 posts and suddenly it has gone and I didn't delete it. How/why has this happened?? Anyone please?
Your thread was deleted because you posted it in the wrong forum. Before you post a thread on GC we'd appreciate it if you did a couple of things first: 1) Read the forum descriptions. Threads about your collection of bongs would go in Toking Tools, threads about your stash go in Stash Jar, etc. 2) Please, PLEASE do a search on your topic to make sure that the exact same thread (or similar) doesn't exist already. If everyone on the forums did that, we mods would be out of a job really quickly! OK maybe not that quickly, but you know....
Ok my bad, I'm new and only using my iPhone so i haven't come Across these descriptors n such yet, are they on the app I'm using? So does this mean I've lost My pictures and replies for good?